Islamic activist Linda Sarsour, in a speech a couple weeks ago, told a story about the prophet Muhammad who said that “a word of truth in front of a tyrant ruler or leader, that is the best form of jihad,” adding: “I hope that when we stand up to those who oppress our communities, that Allah accepts from us that as a form of jihad, that we are struggling against tyrants and rulers not only abroad in the Middle East or the other side of the world, but here in the United States of America, where you have fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House.”
Needless to say, WorldNetDaily’s chief Islamophobe, Leo Hohmann, selectively quoted from Sarsour’s speech, left out the part about “a word of truth” being jihad, and basically claimed that Sarsour called for President Trump’s death.
In a July 6 article, Hohmann sneered that Sarsour was a “bombastic street-preacher for radical Islam” and called in fellow Muslim-hater Philip Haney to maliciously misinterpret Sarsour’s words:
Arabic speaker and terrorism expert Philip Haney, who co-authored the recent book See Something Say Nothing, said Sarsour’s choice of words are terrifying on their face, but they carry additional layers of meaning to Muslims familiar with the Quran and hadith. When heard from that perspective, her words are even more chilling, Haney said.
First off, the word “prepared” carries much weight among Muslims waging jihad – whether violent or civilization jihad. It’s the same word that is embedded within the logo of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood.
“It makes you ask, what are they preparing for?” Haney said.
Sarsour gave the answer: “jihad.” (See Quran 8:60.)
[…]Chaos is a form of “fitnah,” of which the Quran warns all Muslims.
Fitnah is a type of oppression, persecution or test brought upon by unbelievers. And the Quran gives the foreboding advice that “fitnah is worse than slaughter,” meaning to slaughter is preferable than to be oppressed by the unbelievers.
Sarsour gives her audience the remedy, straight from the Quran, on how to deal with fitnah.
“She says chaos will ensue from this administration. Chaos is a code word for fitnah,” Haney said. “She’s saying this administration is causing fitnah. And fitnah requires jihad.”
Sarsour’s ISNA speech is vitally important because it’s a clarion call for average Muslims to be on their guard and ready to take drastic measures against the Trump administration and its supporters.
The exact same message was provided in more lofty verbiage by the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America, or AMJA, just a few weeks after Donald Trump’s election as president. In that document, the AMJA, which serves as the source of fatwa rulings to be followed by nearly all Sunni Muslim mosques in North America, the AMJA said that the election of Trump was a “calamity” for the American Muslim community.
It was not until four days later, in a July 10 article complaining that Sarsour was “lashing out at her critics in the conservative media for reporting on her recent speech before the Islamic Society of North America,” that Hohmann noted her complaint that people like him were taking her “out of context,” though in the snottiest way possible by calling in more Muslim-haters to go on the attack:
Most conservatives interpreted the rhetoric as an incitement of violence against President Trump and his supporters. But she turned the tables and made herself appear to be the victim.
[…]As for her use of the word “jihad,” it should not be seen as a call to violence, she says, but as reference to a spiritual “struggle” and “speaking truth to power.”
For Sarsour, any and all criticism of Islam, no matter how fact-based it may be, makes one a “white supremacist” and an “anti-Muslim Islamophobe”:
[…]Pamela Geller, a Jewish American and anti-Shariah activist, said Sarsour used the platform of the Washington Post to lash back at those who expose her true motives. But she’s just one of many peddlers of the “Islamophobia” meme that has no basis in fact and is really just a tool for implementing Islamic blasphemy laws on the West, she said.
“This Washington Post piece is just damage control. Sarsour knows what jihad means, and so do the terrorists she supports,” Geller said. “There are no passages in the Quran that speak to a spiritual jihad. But there are hundreds calling for holy war.”
But Islamic supremacists such as Sarsour know they can count on the media elites to do their heavy lifting, she said.
“This pro-Shariah Jew-hater is now directly inciting violence,” Geller said. “With the left growing more violent and fascistic by the day, this will only make her all the more their icon. And if Trump is actually assassinated, the left will make her a saint, as much of a hero as Che Guevara.”
Hohmann did not admit that he has proven himself time and time again to be an Islamophobe, nor did he admit to his dishonest reporting in his first article on Sarsour’s speech by selectively quoting from it.
Hohmann was still in blame-the-victim mode in a July 13 article, still complaining that Sarsour called out the dishonest reporting from right-wing Muslim-haters like himself:
So when she used the stage of the nation’s largest Islamist convention earlier this month to openly call for “jihad” against the Trump administration and the “white supremacists” in positions of authority, many conservatives took her at her word. Jihad, as in holy war – the Muslim Brotherhood way, whether violent or civilizational, the end goal is still the same: Islamic dominance over other faiths and other systems of government.
But now that her public profile has been raised and more people are paying attention to her controversial comments, Sarsour is incensed that anyone would consider her a jihadist.
Sarsour is so livid that anyone would take her invocation of the word “jihad” as anything but a benign spiritual “struggle” that she is threatening to unleash a legal jihad against her critics if they don’t back off.
Hohmann refused to consider the idea that the definition of jihad as interpreted by politically motivated anti-Muslim right-wingers like himself might be faulty. Hohmann quoted yet another Muslim-hater, John Guandolo, failing to mention that he’s a serial philanderer and adulterer.
In none of his follow-up articles did Hohmann bother to put Sarsour’s “jihad” call in its proper context of the “word of truth” statement. That tells us Hohmann cares nothing about journalistic accuracy and everything about spreading Islamophobia.