Inveterate liar Joseph Farah spent his Sept. 8 WorldNetDaily column ranting that Margaret Sanger “had ties to the KKK and the Nazis and was a white supremacist.” Shockingly, he provides what he calls evidence to back up his claims. Let’s look at them, shall we?
She addressed the Ku Klux Klan, fans of Sanger because of her own racism and plans for reducing the population of blacks in America;
We’ll concede that happened — though it was actually to a meeting of the women’s division of it, not the main KKK — but speaking before a any group does not equal a “tie” to it. As we’ve pointed out, the KKK was something of a mainstream group, though still clandestine, at the time she spoke to. Sanger said in her autobiography that she would speak to any group that would have her.
Her eugenics plans inspired the Nazi sterilization law of 1933 and the subsequent Nazi euthanasia laws;
While the 1933 law reportedly took its inspiration from American models, Sanger was far from the only eugenicist in the U.S. — it was a popular belief in the 1920s.
In 1939, as Hitler was devising his “final solution,” Sanger proposed her infamous “Negro Project,” in which she wrote “the most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the Minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members”;
As we’ve documented, the context of that statement involved recruiting black leaders for the effort to allay suspicions blacks might have had about whites like Sanger being involved — the complete opposite of what Farah claims.
Sanger was closely tied to Ernst Rudin, who served as Hitler’s director of genetic sterilization. An April 1933 article by Rudin – entitled “Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need” – for Sanger’s monthly magazine, The Birth Control Review, detailed the establishment of the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene and advocated its replication in the United States. A subsequent article by Leon Whitney published the following June by Sanger, entitled “Selective Sterilization,” praises and defends the Third Reich’s pre-holocaust “race purification” program.
In fact, Sanger was never “closely tied” to Rudin. She had left the Birth Control Review a full four years earlier and no longer had any affiliation with the publication when Rudin’s article was published.
Farah’s efforts to tar Sanger as a “Nazi fan” — a term he actually uses later in his column — are ludicrous, given that the Nazis opposed contraception and burned her family-planning books. And there’s no evidence Sanger was ever a virulent racist or that she coerced women into using birth control.
In short, Farah is lying again. As usual.