Larry Tomczak’s Jan. 8 WorldNetDaily column is headlined “Why media deliberately deceive you.” How ironic, giving that WND is one of the foremost peddlers of fake news and misinformation in America.
Needless to say, Tomczak does not call out the publisher of his column, presumably because he would like to continue to be published. Instead, he complains that movies based on real people don’t stick to what he thinks should be said about them. First, he huffed that “The Darkest Hour,” the film about Winston Churchill, has a scene that “erroneously depicts him as uncertain of the direction to take and needing to poll citizens on a subway before deciding what to do. This is blatantly false because Churchill was a man of steely conviction who never wavered in his resolve to stop Hitler.”
Next, Tomczak complained that a new film about Tonya Harding tried to “sympathetically present her as a somewhat victimized woman who unfortunately got mixed up with the wrong crowd and subsequently fell short in her quest. The truth is, Tonya Harding was out-of-control and squandered her opportunities because she made deliberate choices to get involved with low-lifers who discussed killing her nemesis.” Then he served up revisionist history on another story:
The film, “The Post” with Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep portrays them as champions at the Washington Post publishing top secret Pentagon papers revealing U.S. government lies about the Vietnam War. What is blatantly false is piling on President Nixon as a sinister villain, when in actuality he sought legal recourse to prevent publishing sensitive confidential information that would harm our diplomatic standing as we tried to extricate America from an unpopular war. He tried to protect Democrats LBJ and JFK whom the papers revealed as misleading the masses.
In fact, the Supreme Court found that the government failed to prove its case that publication of the Pentagon Papers harmed national security.
Tomczak then grumbled: “In the coming days, I fully expect Hollywood to release a big budget film depicting the life of former President Barack Obama in the most glowing, flattering way imaginable. For those who ‘have ears to hear,’ I offer ’10 Reasons Why Barack Obama Was Our Worst President’ as a factual rebuttal.” That article, on Tomczak’s personal website, mostly attacks Obama as a “counterfeit” Christian who failed to hate gays as much as Tomczak does and repeats other right-wing Obama-hating talking points.