Next to illegal immigration, feminism is the second-greatest seminal threat to American independence.
[…]Upon election, President Obama quickly gave interdisciplinary Cabinet-level control of all departments to lesbians running the National Organization for Women, who dictated Cabinet policy from the White House Office on Women and Girls (WOWG). The feminist sexual revolution agenda was broadly forced upon other departments, most notably the military and education, sometimes enhanced by destructive presidential orders and letters that are still operative today.
Fake rape statistics were used to take over college campuses. “Star Chamber” administrative campus tribunals now apply phony definitions of sex abuse to kick men out college, while women have carte-blanche rights to slam down beer, do drugs and sleep with anybody they want with no risk of repercussion. “Microaggressions” established an unintelligible encyclopedia of punishable “patriarchal crimes”.
Feminists are well on the way to forcing everyone to live according to radical feminist dicta under phony “Yes Means Yes” laws requiring men (even married men) to get permission to hold a woman’s hand (and everything beyond that) or be presumed guilty of a sexual offense. This law was sponsored by radical feminist Sen. Claire McCaskill and reflects her demand that men “shut the hell up” on a broad range of issues that are the sole domain of feminist Supremacists to manage.
Feminist harangues about sexual violence are as phony as Al Gore’s global warming agitprop.
[…]Harvey Weinstein went way overboard and was quickly declared guilty. Men who did nothing worth sneezing at often end up fired or pariahed because they are the same sex as Harvey Weinstein. The feminist meat grinder wins because spitting out volumes of false allegations costs nearly nothing, while it is very expensive and perhaps impossible to prove innocence.
Feminists never mention how Elizabeth Taylor and other screen sirens wore out their casting couches. They never talk about the epidemic of female teachers sexually abusing children in our public schools.
The vast majority of men destroyed by feminists did nothing women were not happily doing alongside them at parties, in dressing rooms, offices and every place else imaginable. The results are vastly unequal: Men get sacked while women get payoffs, a book deal and pandering appearances on talk television.
Sex crimes are horrid life-destructive crimes – and so are false sex crime allegations. Both should be punished with equal vigor. But they are not. Amidst the howling roar of the feminist rape riot, nobody dares mention serious collateral damage done to innocent men. Everyone runs, ducks, capitulates, or hides – which is exactly what feminists want them to do.
[…]Liberals are experts at emotionally leveraging conservative principles against us. Feminists hijacked the election from Judge Roy Moore. Phony allegations of pedophilia froze conservative voters into staying home on election day because rational thinking dies when conservatives hear the serotonin-inhibiting words “sexual abuse.” Spineless snowflakes running the RNC quickly abandoned Moore. The Democrat turnout was 95 percent of 2016, but the Republican turnout a dismal 50 percent.
The sacking of Judge Roy Moore guarantees that political races in 2018 and beyond will be panopticons of sex allegations against men.
[…]I suggest it is time for Rush Limbaugh to update his original definition of feminism: “Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of pop culture.” It should be “Feminism was invented to empower Marxist sacrifice of nations before a pink pedestal of predatory chivalry.”
— David R. Usher, Jan. 24 WorldNetDaily column
(We’ve previously caught Usher likening feminists to the KKK, so the guy’s got issues.)