WorldNetDaily writers love to lie about Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger. The latest is the guy who calls himself (at WND, anyway) Mason Weaver, who spends his March 22 column falsely portraying Sanger’s unfortunate predeliction for eugenics as racism. Weaver writes:
Her “The Birth Control Review” stated in the July-August 1932 edition, “There are other more remote but equally important gains. One is the enhanced respect to be had from the dominant white race. That the Negro must acquire if he is to enjoy the rights and prerogatives he covets. But acquire it he cannot and will not so long as he remains the thriftless, childlike, irresponsible dependent that he is, for such behavior does not command respect.” Even in the social climate of 1932, this seems harsh and racist.
Weaver seems to have lifted this with minor editing — as well as much of the rest of his column — from a pseudonymously written 2009 blog post. But while Sanger did found Birth Control Review, she gave up control of it in 1928, four years before this article allegedly appeared, and thus could not have responsible for it.
Weaver goes on to revive an old false chestnut:
Why are black leaders silent on this? How much has their silence cost us? And how much damage has been done to the mental state of the community from their silence? Now that you know, will your silence add to the pain?
It does not matter that the sins of the past were done out of lack of knowledge – to continue them after awakening is the greater error.
In a famous letter to a Dr. Gamble, dated Dec. 10, 1039 [sic], Sanger reveals her plans but warns, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
But as fact-checkers regularly point out every time some rabid Sanger-hater pulls this quote out of context, Sanger was trying to trying to separate her birth-control campaign from sterilization campaigns targeted at blacks that actually were racist.
So not only is Weaver wrong, he’s effectively a plagiarist as well.