Joseph Farah’s March 27 column carries the headline “4 things Trump needs to do after his ‘stumble’.” This isn’t a moral stumble, though — Farah’s totally cool with Trump whoring around with porn stars.
No, Farah is much more pained by Trump signing a budget bill he thinks was too extravagant. But he’s not so pained to abandon his Trump worship, conceding that like his other hero Ronald Reagan, Trump is also but a man:
It took me a few days to find the words for this commentary.
It comes down to this: President Trump was wrong to sign the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill.
There I said it.
Now, let me explain why that was so difficult to say.
Since Jan. 20, 2017, I have been praising, extolling, acclaiming and commending Donald J. Trump for what he has accomplished in his 14 months as president. It’s more than any other president in my lifetime has achieved in that time period – by far. It is why I started the initiative. And I have no regrets about it. Zero, zilch, nada.
Before Trump was elected, I never thought I would see another great U.S. president in my lifetime – someone like Ronald Reagan. I really began to think that was a once-in-a-lifetime expectation.
I was wrong.
But Ronald Reagan made mistakes, too. He was human. He hired some bad people. He appointed some bad judges and justices. He even signed a big amnesty bill.
Yet, at the end of the day, he was an amazingly great president. You can forget about the mistakes. You should forgive them. You focus on the great things he did.
Here’s the difference, though. Trump is just getting started. He’s got at least 34 more months in office, or, with any luck, 78.
And he needs to hear from those who love him and what he is accomplishing, especially when he stumbles.
After offering tips on how Trump can “redeem this mistake,” Farah concluded: “This stumble, although real and bad, is not the end of the world. It’s not the end of the Trump dream. It’s not even close to any of those things.”
Yes, Farah really thinks Trump’s signing of a overstuffed budget bill is a bigger failing than his repeated adultery and other moral crimes. And he’s far more anguished by the former than the latter.