You know how Jesse Lee Peterson loves to rant like a white nationalist but gets away with it because he’s a black right-winger? Well, he’s taken that to a whole ‘nother level in his July 15 WorldNetDaily column:
For the last 60 years or more, white people have been under attack, falsely called “racist,” and blamed for the failure and problems of black Americans and other so-called “people of color.”
Each year reveals new levels of insanity celebrating radical Black History Month, transgender and homosexual history, feminist women – celebration of everyone except for straight, white, conservative Christian men of power.
White people have been under attack, unappreciated and under a spell of fear for so long that most of the country can’t even remember that it was whites who made this country the destination that it is!
The simple fact remains: Without white people, there would be no America. White men founded this country and made it great. White men like President Trump are the last ones holding America together – and it is hanging by a thread.
So out of appreciation, I deemed July as White History Month
For some reason, whites allowed others to come in to this country who would turn around and betray them! Reportedly, whites will soon be a minority in their own country!
If we allow the vilification and replacement of whites to continue, then our country will become a ghetto. We will see more black-on-white crime, more laws against Christians and men, a total loss of freedom, and destruction of communities.
Aside from the fact that this rant would be not be out of place on white-nationalist or supremacist websites such as Stormfront or VDARE, Peterson misses the point hard here. Just as every day is Children’s Day, every month is already White History Month by dint of whites being the dominant culture in America despite Peterson’s fearmongering to the contrary. Thus, there’s no need to declare one.
Peterson once again labeled President Trump the “Great White Hope” — apparently still oblivious to the fact that the phrase originated as a racist, anti-black insult — and then showed he’s still learning the wrong message from all this:
Some friends and callers express concern for my safety, fearing a violent backlash against White History Month. We should be wary of violent leftists and white haters, given the incitement by anti-Trump agitators like Maxine Waters (the Wicked Witch of the West), corrupt government officials, media and Hollywood. There are places where it’s not safe to be an open Trump supporter. But the children of the lie proudly tout their beliefs with no sense of shame for being wrong – they’re in your face promoting evil!
If you are a child of God, you have no fear. Perfect love, the nature of God, drives out fear. But if you have fear, you are still of your father the devil. In counseling and talking with people, I notice most men and women have fear. Men are afraid to deal with their wives. Grown men and women are afraid to face their mothers and be honest with them!
Where does fear come from? Anger and unforgiveness. Unless you forgive, you will not be forgiven. And you will have all of the children of anger: fear, doubt, insecurity and suicidal thoughts. So forgive and be free!
Peterson seems to be confusing a lack of fear with a lack of shame. And his continuing Obama derangement demonstrates that he still harbors a massive reservoir of the anger (and, we can assume, its children) that he claims not to have.