There was one clear winner of’s propaganda efforts in July. See if you can spot it as we review CNS’ stenography efforts on behalf of its favorite sources.
Judiclal Watch: 2
- Judicial Watch Sues DOJ for Records Related to FBI Raid on Michael Cohen
- Judicial Watch: ‘Trump-Russia Investigation Infected by Hyper-Political Bias Against Pres. Trump’
Mark Levin: 17
- Levin: If Convention of the States Doesn’t Happen, Your Children Won’t Recognize America in 50 Years
- Levin: Difficult to Understand Why SCOTUS Regarded as Most Moral, Just Branch of Gov’t
- Mark Levin: Our Founding Fathers Reject the Philosophy that Undergirds Progressivism
- Levin: Never Seen a Campaign ‘as Aggressive, as Nasty, as Ruthless, and as Dishonest’ as Kavanaugh’s
- Levin: ‘You Have to Assume that Kavanaugh Would Have Voted with Roberts’ on Obamacare
- Dan Bongino: Liberals ‘Quietly Know They’re Not Right’ on Abortion (Levin “special guest host”)
- Levin: Trump Is ‘Not Only Strengthening NATO, He’s Expanding NATO’
- Levin: Media’s Overreaction to Trump’s Comments in Helsinki ‘Is Sick Stuff,’ ‘Absolutely Nuts’
- Levin: We Have Some ‘Psychopaths’ in the Liberal Media Attacking Trump
- Prof. Kengor on Levin: Trump’s Helsinki Comments Don’t Compare to ‘Horrific Statements’ FDR Made About Stalin
- Levin: ‘Only Two Presidents in Modern Times’ Have Effectively Addressed Administrative State – Reagan and Trump
- Steele About NFL Protest on Levin: ‘Old-Fashioned Method of Protest Is Obsolete’
- Huckabee on Trump Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital: Haven’t Seen That Kind of Commitment Since Reagan (guest on Levin’s Fox News show)
- Levin: Proposed Trump Deal on Trade, Tariffs with EU ‘Is Good, If It’s True’
- Levin: Left, Media Throw Around Freedom of Press–Don’t Believe in Other Parts of 1st Amendment
- Levin: Purpose of Free Press Is to Strengthen Principles of Constitutional Republic – Not What Press Does Today
- Levin: Sessions ‘Is Doing a Grave Injustice’ to Nation by Sitting Silently on Constitutional Issues
Franklin Graham: 3
- Rev. Graham: ‘Let’s Pray’ That Trump Will Pick SCOTUS Nominee ‘Who Fears God’
- Rev. Franklin Graham Fights Back: ‘Pray for 45’
- Rev. Graham: Jimmy Carter is ‘Absolutely Wrong,’ Jesus Would Not ‘Approve Gay Marriage’
White House press secretary, by Melanie Arter:7
- WH: Trump Won’t Talk to Judges About Specific Cases
- WH: Trump Could Announce Supreme Court Pick Before Monday
- WH on Order to Reunite Illegal Families: ‘Injunctions Make It More Difficult’
- WH Clarifies: Trump Wasn’t Saying Russia Is Not Still Targeting the US
- WH: Trump’s ‘All a Big Hoax’ Tweet Referring to ‘Collusion Component’ of Russia Investigation
- WH: Trump Has ‘Begun the Mechanism’ for Removing Security Clearances from ‘Certain Individuals’
- WH Spokesman on Barring CNN Reporter from Event: ‘It’s About Process, Procedure, and Protocol’
Our year-to-date tally so far:
- Judicial Watch: 39
- Mark Levin: 75
- Franklin Graham: 20
- WH press secretary: 74
It was a hot month for Levin, who has pushed ahead of Arter’s White House stenography for the year.