We’ve documented how WorldNetDaily smears transgenders by its selection of photos to illustrate its transgender-related stories — either a photo it stole from the Associated Press of male legs in a dress and heels (that is actually from a 2012 “hairy legs on heels” race in Madrid, so the person in the photo is not even transgender) or a stubbled male face applying lipstick.
Well, WND is still engaging in this ridiculous, biased behavior. An Aug. 25 article by Bob Unruh ranting about the idea that anti-discrimination laws cover transgenders used the lipstick photo for its front-page tease:
A Sept. 21 WND article on a transgender woman who is seeking to expunge the crimes she committed as a male also used the image:
You’d think that with all the trouble WND has had stay afloat of late that it would have better things to do than promote anti-transgender discrimination with such stereotypical bias. Apparently not.