has many flaws, but it — along with its Media Research Center parent — have largely stayed out of white nationalist territory (Tom Blumer notwithstanding). Which makes it curious why CNS would choose to publish a column defending a white nationalist website.
Michelle Malkin’s July 31 column does exactly that. In it, she complains that an “educational nonprofit” saw its planned conference in Colorado Springs get canceled after local residents complained:
In spring 2017, award-winning journalist and former Hoover Institution media fellow Peter Brimelow and his educational nonprofit VDARE reserved the Cheyenne Mountain Resort for a conference on immigration and sovereignty issues. A local far-left gadfly who bragged about wearing her “pink pussy hat while driving (her) Prius” launched an online petition condemning Brimelow’s organization as a “hate group.” The petition threatened both the resort and the mayor, bellowing that “the residents of Colorado Springs will not support businesses that profit from hate groups and will not re-elect politicians hospitable to those hate groups!”
What exactly is “hateful” about VDARE’s work? You can visit and read their wide variety of news and opinions yourself. My syndicated column, published in the Colorado Springs Gazette and hundreds of other mainstream newspapers over the past 25 years, is also published by VDARE. So is Ann Coulter’s and Pat Buchanan’s. VDARE hosts a vital and honest discussion of an “America First” immigration policy, long considered third rail by the establishments in both parties before President Donald Trump embraced it and won the White House. Of course, I don’t agree with everything published on the site; neither do I agree with everything published on every op-ed page that has published my column. VDARE has never advocated violence or any illegal activity. The group counts foreign nationals, immigrants and members of racial and ethnic minorities among its strongest supporters, donors and contributors.
But Malkin is hiding the truth: VDARE, at its core, is a white nationalist website.
Brimelow is very much a racist and white nationalist — he has claimed that “Hispanics do specialize in rape, particularly of chidren” and asserted that “the U.S. is a white nation” — “and according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, VDARE publishes artilces by academic racists and hosts white nationalists like Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer who, in Brimelow’s words, “aim to defend the interests of American whites.” The racism is right in the name: VDARE is named for Virginia Dare, the first white child born in America.
In pretending that there’s nothing “hateful” about VDARE, Malkin is dishonestly playing dumb about VDARE’s unambiguous white nationalism — indeed, she furthers the whitewashing (heh) by purging the term “white nationalist” from her column. Of course, Malkin herself has been sliding further right over the years; her speech at this year’s CPAC was an anti-immigrant screed that also defended the violent anti-Semite Gavin McInnes and vicious Islamophobe Laura Loomer as being on the “front lines for liberty,” then afterwards had a softball interview with white nationalist Faith Goldy.
VDARE publishes Malkin’s column as well, though it’s unclear how long that arrangement will last if Malkin ever stops hating immigrants so much and VDARE’s readers remember that she’s not white.
Meanwhile, other branches of the MRC understood what Malkin’s column was really about. NewsBusters also publishes her column — but the VDARE-defending column is notably absent from the archive. Apparently CNS has more tolerance for racism and dishonesty than the rest of the MRC.