During a Dec. 13 Fox Business appearance (apparently he couldn’t get on Fox News proper), Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell huffed:
Look at CNN’s audience. It’s collapsed. It’s a worldwide network and it can’t get 750,000 people in the United States of America. Its credibility has collapsed. The networks have collapsed. And it should collapse. If they are not going to report the news, if they are not going to investigate any story, if they are not going to tell the truth, I hope it does collapse.
The “news” he is demanding that CNN report, mind you, is not about the Ukraine shenanigans that got President Trump impeached — it’s Hunter Biden’s deal with Burisma. He went on to rant that “no one thinking clearly or honestly is going to deny that the only reason Burisma got this guy on the payroll at $50,000 a month is because his last name was Biden. And everyone knows that.” Never mind that the same question can also be posed about his own son, David, who’s running the MRC-linked activist group For America. would he be there if his dad wasn’t in charge of the entire operation?
There’s another bit of hypocrisy going on here: Bozell’s claim that if CNN is going to investigate any story, if they are not going to tell the truth, I hope it does collapse.” If Bozell is so concerned about news organizations that don’t investigate stories and don’t report the truth, all he has to do is look down the hall at MRC headquarters at the “news” organization he runs, CNSNews.com.
CNS regularly publishes fake news, mostly in the form of uncritically repeating false and misleading statements by Trump and his allies. And what little investigative reporting CNS did has largely disappeared, replaced by sycophantic pro-Trump stenography.
By Bozell’s own definition, CNS deserves to collapse. He’ll never admit that, of course.