The Super Bowl halftime show featuring Jennifer Lopez and Shakira did not sit well with the moral scolds at
Managing editor Michael W. Chapman touted attacks on the show by Franklin Graham and other conservatives as a mockery of “moral decency,” and Chapman helpfully added a description of the show: “The halftime show was little more than a striptease performed by pop-tarts Shakira and Jennifer Lopez, complete with crotch-rubbing, butt-shaking, hip-grinding, S&M leather, and a stripper pole.”
In a Feb. 6 column advocating for “religious freedom,” Ken Blackwell added an aside that “Public figures embrace hypocrisy, and the entertainment industry mocks values and celebrates immorality, as recently demonstrated in the Super Bowl halftime show.” An otherwise empty item links to a post by Leesa Donner at the right-wing Liberty Nation with the headline “Avert Your Eyes: Do we Really Need a Super Bowl Stripper Pole?” who called the show “a prime-time gentlemen’s lounge act complete with sadomasochistic attire and stripper pole.”
The winner for full meltdown, though, goes to John Horvat II, who uses the show to go on an extended morality rant under the headline “Why Mothers Now Weep For Their Children”:
I received an email recently that brought home the extent of the tragedy for which I grieve. It touched me to the very depth of my soul. It was from a mother commenting on the half-time show at the 2020 Super Bowl. The nation’s most-watched event featured an extravaganza of lewd dancing, scanty clothing and sexualized moves never seen before. It was much worse than past outrages.
In this display, we sense a desire to corrupt. There can be no other explanation. Everyone knows that millions of young children, teenagers and youth watch the game and the show. Most of those watching profess religious beliefs contrary to the immoral performance. Many adults could not hold back their disgust at seeing this family event turned into a shameless spectacle of impurity. I initiated an online protest so that people’s outraged voices could be heard.
In another email, a mother said that, upon seeing part of the show, “I sat on my couch and wept as I am trying to raise four kids in this culture. Thank you for speaking out.” Her message was echoed by many others who were shocked by the “pornographic” display so contrary to “purity, chastity and modesty.”
Horvat uses this to rnat against “the decline of morals, the outrage of abortion and the LGBTQ+ tyranny,” with particular focus on “ever-growing presence of drag queens, especially in their story hours that target pre-school children in public libraries and elementary schools,” which purportedly demonstrate “the desire to corrupt,” adding: “As one drag queen said at a public hearing in Lafayette, La., “this is going to be the grooming of the next generation.”
Horvat is deliberately taking the “grooming” line out of context. As we documented, the drag queen said that he has no agenda and the “grooming” that is taking place is about not hating drag queens the way Horvat does.
And don’t doubt that hate is driving Horvat: He then huffs that “The drag queen is the cutting edge of the Sexual Revolution that seeks to destroy all sexual restrictions, identities, and taboos,” adding: “We are entering times when unnatural vice and macabre lifestyles are becoming normalized. Satanism and “black masses” are proliferating.”
Yep, he jumped rather easily from drag queens to Satanism.