Jack Cashill has a companion at WorldNetDaily to support his bad take that wearing a mask is “virtue signaling.” Rachel Alexander wrote in her June 8 WND column, under the headline “The viciousness of the mask-wearing virtue signalers”:
There have been some nasty confrontations between people over wearing face masks. One side thinks they’re helpful, both at protecting themselves from COVID-19 and protecting others from contracting it if they happen to have it. The other side thinks they don’t work. The divide has fallen down party lines, as Republicans learn more about the masks’ inefficacy and question the so-called experts, like Dr. Anthony Fauci who has reversed his position on wearing them.
Mask proponents tell those who won’t wear them that they are rude and inconsiderate and jeopardizing the health of others, especially the elderly. Those who don’t wear them just want to be left alone. Now, I’m not addressing situations where the government or business requires them. I’m referring to this insistence that we must all wear them everywhere even though it’s only optional.
[…]President Trump doesn’t wear a mask, even though he comes into contact with hundreds of people every day, some who have been traveling. He has access to the top experts in the country. What does that tell you?
[…]I’m sure most mask proponents mean well. They really think they are keeping people safer by wearing them. It’s hard to blame them considering the conflicting information we’ve gotten from our leaders and so-called experts. But they need to stop being so rude and condescending to those of us who have done the research and concluded otherwise. They accuse us of not caring about the elderly, but these are the same people who support euthanasia. It’s a ruse.
Now that the left has started rioting, notice you hear nothing more about wearing masks and social distancing. New York requires masks in public where social distancing isn’t possible, but it’s clear that hundreds of protesters aren’t complying. Why the change in attitude? Is it because the onerous restrictions were hurting conservatives more initially, and now that the left is rioting no one wants to bother them? It’s evidence the masks really aren’t necessary.
Alexander also served up some bunk about asymptomatic transmission:
The WHO’s advice on its website at that time advised, “if you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with suspected 2019-nCoV infection.” On March 8, Fauci said on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”
The CDC claims the “experts” changed their minds when they realized people without symptoms could spread the virus. Funny, since then, how many stories have you heard about this occurring? That’s right, it completely disappeared out of the news. My guess is the so-called experts freaked out as the numbers increased and wanted to make people feel good as if they were doing something and would be safe. Herd mentality.
As we noted, the WHO did confuse things by claiming that asymptomatic transmission was rare, a claim that turned out to be misleading, but it’s indisputable that people can spread the virus without knowing they have it — and that’s why wearing masks is important, no matter what Alexander thinks.