On top of his usual potpourri of conspiracies, WorldNetDaily has been obsessing over President Obama as his new anti-Obama book neared publication. Now that it’s out, Cashill’s columns are promoting said book, and it’s pretty much all his columns have been about of late.
In his Sept. 9 column, Cashill speculates about Obama’s sexuality, based on letters he allegedly wrote to a college girlfriend in which Obama allegedly claims that “I make love to men daily, but in the imagination. My mind is androgynous to a great extent and I hope to make it more so.” Cashill then lets his smutty mind run amok:
This revelation came at a good time for me. In writing my book “Unmasking Obama,” I was still debating whether or not I should address the rumors of Obama’s homosexuality.
There was other evidence to consider. One was Obama’s adolescent relationship with CPUSA member Frank Marshall Davis, an admitted bisexual with a taste for underage prey.
[…]Then too there was the memorable Larry Sinclair. In June 2008, at the National Press Club in Washington, Sinclair related the alleged details of a two-day coke and sex romp with the then-married Obama in 1999.
Sinclair provided dates, the name of the hotel, the name of the Muslim limo driver who arranged the assignation, the specifics of their sexual interlude, and challenged the media to follow up. They did not. Instead, as was their habit during the Obama years, they attacked the messenger.
Cashill conveniently omits — as he did a couple years back — the inconvenient fact that documented conman Sinclair utterly discredited himself, offering no actual evidence to back up his claims and getting arrested after his bizarre presser on theft and forgery charges (and don’t forget about his kilt-wearing lawyer).
On Sept. 16, Cashill declared that this summer’s unrest following the police shootings of black people “is the America Barack Obama and Joe Biden have wrought, and it is too damn late for a beer summit to paper things over,” going on to make his usual complaint that “Obama tacitly endorsed the media’s transformation of Zimmerman, a Hispanic civil rights activist, into a white-supremacist killer.” Cashill, of course, transformed the black teen Zimmerman killed, Trayvon Martin, into a would-be thug.
Cashill played victim in his Sept. 23 column, parlaying a one-star review of his Obama-bashing book on Amazon into a “Fahrenheit 451”-style attempt to silence him, adding: “Of course, I am hoping for more abuse, maybe a smack down from big-time firemen like the smear artists at the Media Matters for America or the ‘extremist’ monitors at the Southern Poverty Law Center. If truly successful, I might get a big fat ‘False’ from the faux fact-checkers at Snopes.com or PolitiFact.com.”
They’re not “smears” if it’s the truth, Jack. And the truth is that Cashill has so discredited himself over the years that pretty much the only people who care about him is us, and only because he has decided to go down with the WND ship.
Cashill spent his Sept. 30 column hair-splitting over Obama’s words in a 2012 presidential debate with Mitt Romney over whether he called the Benghazi attack an “act of terror.”
Since WND isn’t selling Cashill’s book or, apparently, any other thing published in the past couple years outside of its sparely read Whistleblower magazine in its online store, it did the next best thing and published a gushy review of it by one William F. Marshall, who claims to be a “senior investigator for Judicial Watch, Inc.” (complete with parenthetical disclaimer that “The views expressed are the author’s alone, and not necessarily those of Judicial Watch”). Marshall declared the book to be “an important new work to the Obama biographical collection. It explores the many advances the cultural left made on traditional American society during the Obama era, with Barack Obama as the figurehead, at least, leading the campaign, abetted by an equally determined leftist media that protected him as zealously as any Praetorian Guard.” He touted how Cashill pushed Sinclair’s claims, laughably adding that “The tale is told not for its prurient value. … They tried to discredit the man rather than investigate his explicit allegations through gumshoe reporting.” Oh, but Cashill is very much aboiut the prurient value, is he not?
Marshall also fawned over Cashill’s alleged “dry wit,” adding, “We should all learn to laugh at the absurdities of America’s political scene today. Humor helps keep us sane.” He’s clearly not going to mention that Cashill’s record as a discredited conspiracy–monger precedes him and that all the “dry wit” he can muster doesn’t wipe that way.