When you feel you have to explain you’re not anti-Semitic before going on an anti-Jewish tirade, you’re losing. And that’s what Larry Klayman — who once accused a judge of being biased against him because she’s a Jew and not, you know, because of his own terrible lawyering — does in his Nov. 12 WorldNetDaily column:
Let me get this up front! I am a proud Jew and a Zionist who believes in our Savior Jesus Christ, Yeshua, the truest Jew there ever was! Let me also make this clear: The overwhelming majority of Jews in this nation, Israel and spread throughout the world are not followers of self-hating Jews such as the inventors and later disciples of communism Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Saul Alinsky, Bernie Sanders, George Soros or anyone else of the Jewish left. Among all peoples, Jews – as the most persecuted minority in world history, losing over 6 million good souls at the hands of Hitler who many think also had self-hating Jewish roots by way of one of his grandfathers – understand what an oppressive centralized government stranglehold on the populace means in terms of one’s life expectancy.
Ever since I founded Judicial Watch on July 29, 1994, conceived to be a conservative-oriented public interest watchdog meant to fight against corruption in government and the legal system, I have been attacked primarily by leftist Jews in the media. Among these hateful hacks and followers if not apologists of and for socialism and communism are people such as Jeffrey Toobin, the now disgraced legal analyst of CNN and recently fired reporter of The New Yorker Magazine. Today, I sent out a tweet and Parler message, tongue in cheek, that at least we now know that Toobin has a private part, since I have never seen any evidence that the Jewish left is so endowed.
[…]Indeed, the Jewish left is sick and as destructive of Jews and all they stand for as the vile felonious Muslims Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who now infest our Congress and are given a huge megaphone by the Jewish left. The Jewish left, which not only dominates if not controls Hollywood – the beautiful people of Tinseltown – but also the mainstream media as a whole, will, if left unchecked, generate a wave of increased anti-Semitism by those who do not understand that they do not represent the Jewish people. That is sure to happen if conservatives and other Jews, the majority of whom are conservative or libertarian, do not strongly oppose them!
As a further example, just look at the makeup of the “Communist News Network,” also known as CNN. From the head of the network on down, Jeff Zucker, to Jake Tapper, to Wolf Blitzer and a host of others, the network is effectively dominated by the Jewish left, spewing forth hate against President Trump, not coincidentally the biggest supporter of Israel the Jewish state has ever seen in an American president, and a supporter of conservatives, libertarians and people of faith in general. It is no coincidence that Chris Wallace, the leftist face of Fox News, is a card-carrying member of the Jewish left.
To make matters even worse, the Jewish left, not just in the United States, but also in Israel, is bent on taking down the Jewish state. If you want proof, just Google the daily articles of not just the New York Times in this country but also its equivalent leftist rag in Israel, El Haaretz.
And, then there are the Jewish leftist so-called professors in our universities, who teach Jewish students to hate their own heritage, brain washing innocent students with trash that Israel is an “apartheid state,” effectively extolling the virtues of Palestinian terrorism over our God’s land of Zion.
[…]I am writing this column shortly after I had to sue another hack on the Jewish left, Josh Gerstein of Politico, for a dishonest hit piece he recently did on me. Go to www.larryklayman.com to view the complaint. Let it be said that I will not turn the other cheek as my own so-called people, now with their “champion” self-hating Jew Bernie Sanders wanting to be secretary of labor in the incoming Biden-Harris administration, work to steer the nation into a socialist/communist state the likes of which would make Karl Marx proud.
There it is! A proud Jew has said it, and it’s not the first time I have done so in a WND column. Indeed, in my very first article for this fine publication that allows the truth to be told, even if unpleasant, was “The ethical decline of liberal Jewish intelligentsia.”It is time for real Jews to speak up before the Jewish left inflicts more harm on the Jewish people, Israel, the United States and the world. In so doing, we must make it clear that they do not represent us, the overwhelming majority of Jews who believe in freedom, liberty, capitalism, religious liberty and free speech, untainted by Marxism and other self-hating strains of tyranny.
Yeah, pretty much what you’d expect from Larry Klayman.