has long hated Rep. Ilhan Omar for being 1) a liberal and 2) a Muslim. Susan Jones went the whataboutism route to attack Omar in a Dec. 6 article:
CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday gave Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar a platform to condemn the “hateful, bigoted comments” made about her by Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert. But Tapper never mentioned the “hateful, bigoted comments” for which Omar was forced to apologize in February 2019.
“So, I want to obviously start with those comments, Boebert comparing you to a terrorist suicide bomber,” Tapper told Omar in an exclusive interview on “State of the Union.” “What is it like to hear that kind of blatant bigotry, blatant Islamophobia coming from a fellow elected member of the House of Representatives?”
[…]Tapper steered the interview in a direction that allowed Omar to describe the House Republican leader as “a liar and a coward” and to paint all Republicans as Islamaphobes:
“This is who they are,” Omar said. “And we have to be able to stand up to them. And we have to push them to reckon with the fact that their party right now is normalizing anti-Muslim bigotry.”
Jones then recited a litany of “anti-Semitic remarks” by Omar, most of which was merely critical of Israel and not actually anti-Semitic. Jones went on to lament that Tapper doesn’t hate Omar like she does:
But none of that was mentioned by Tapper on Sunday, who helpfully asked Omar, “What do you think Nancy Pelosi and Democratic leaders should do, if anything, about this” (Boebert insult)?
“I think it’s important for us to say, this kind of language, this kind of hate cannot be condoned by the House of Representatives,” Omar said. “And we should punish and sanction Boebert by stripping her of her committees, by rebuking her language, by doing everything that we can to send a clear and decisive message to the American public that, if the Republicans are not going to be adults and condone — condemn this, that we are going to do that.”
Tapper played a hateful voicemail left for Omar, threatening her life.
Omar said she receives such threats all the time: “And we know that the kind of man who leaves that voice-mail for a member of Congress is not going to spare a young Muslim girl when he sees her taking the bus or walking home from school or when he runs into her at the grocery store.
Jones didn’t criticize Boebert for maliciously likening Omar to a terrorist, let alone mention any of her other far-right comments — as expected, since CNS is a major promoter of Boebert’s extremist behavior — nor did she express any regret that Omar regularly receives death threats.