Following the right-wing riots in the Capitol on Jan. 6, former White House communications director Alyssa Farah took to Twitter to send a message to the Trump supporters that instigated and encouraged the violence:
Dear MAGA- I am one of you. Before I worked for @realDonaldTrump, I worked for @MarkMeadows & @Jim_Jordan & the @freedomcaucus. I marched in the 2010 Tea Party rallies. I campaigned w/ Trump & voted for him. But I need you to hear me: the Election was NOT stolen. We lost.
There were cases of fraud that should be investigated. But the legitimate margins of victory for Biden are far too wide to change the outcome. You need to know that. I’m proud of many policy accomplishments the Trump Admin had. But we must accept these results.
Which is all well and good — admitting that the election is not stolen is a big step for a former Trump White House official to take publicly. But there’s another issue involved here: Farah’s father, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah, is still spouting those election conspiracy theories her daughter has renounced.
We looked at Joseph Farah’s bogus claims last month, and — being a guy who never met a right-wing conspiracy theory he didn’t like — he hasn’t stopped. in his Dec. 29 column, he declared that a Gallup poll showing Trump being rated higher than Joe Biden on a list of most admired Americans is evidence that Trump “won in a landslide”: “Donald J. Trump is the most admired man in America. We saw in the campaign that he had become the most LOVED man in America. Then how could he have lost an honest election?”
On Jan. 8 — two days after the Capitol riots, Farah ranted, while also taking a minor shot at his daughter:
My wife, Elizabeth, and I traveled to Washington Wednesday for President Trump’s “Save America Rally” – because we sincerely believed we needed to show our support for the president, since the will of the majority of the electorate had been overthrown.
There were, by my estimates, at least half a million gathered at the mall – dressing in red, white and blue and many sporting American flags. It was a sight to behold. At daybreak, they began showing up from every nook and cranny in the city.
We were proud to be there. There was no place we’d rather have been than showing our support for the greatest president of our lifetimes – perhaps the greatest ever!
[…]I guess it’s no surprise that we did not attend with my 31-year-old daughter, Alyssa, who resigned as director of communications for the White House in November, because she strongly disagreed with our president and with us. Alyssa is a grown adult, and despite the disappointment of the disagreement, we are not here to pick a public fight with her. We love ALL our kids – all five of our daughters!
But we want to go on the record as to why we agree with Trump that our nation has been the victim of a fraud of epic proportions and that Joe Biden is the first American pretender about to be elevated to the “throne” in 240 years!
Why do I say this?
The evidence is so overwhelming as to make me wonder where to begin. The particulars vary depending on the state. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada certified election results despite the illegal, unconstitutional or fraudulent actions taken to produce the results we were given.
[…]The items I have listed above are only a taste, but will suffice to make the point: Any election exhibiting half these characteristics would have received a thorough investigation in the weeks between Nov. 3 and Dec. 16 – that is, any election that did not have Donald J. Trump as the aggrieved candidate.
So, yeah, there’s a bit of a family feud going on there. Alyssa Farah has been trying to downplay her link to her father and his discredited website, having herself scrubbed from WND’s archive of the articles she wrote for it while a college student (forgetting that the internet is forever).
Farah pere’s refusal to accept reality seems to have caused a rift between him and his daughter. It’s also something that — despite belated attempts to boost revenue and credibility — it may also cost Farah his business.