In light of the Capitol riot, the Media Research Center’s pro-Trump sycophancy hasn’t exactly aged well. Along the lines of the MRC’s whining that the non-right-wing media didn’t cover Trump’s Nobel Peace Prize nominations — a meaningless act for minor peace deals that it nevertheless deemed significant enough to have a pro-Trump ask voters about as part of its bogus campaign to claim the election was stolen from Trump — is this Dec. 31 item by Brad Wilmouth:
On Tuesday morning, Fox News viewers got to see that, for the first time, President Donald Trump has come in first place in Gallup’s annual poll of “most admired man” of the year.
But in contrast with how journalists swooned over former President Barack Obama the last time he came in first place, the other networks have so far ignored the finding.
On Tuesday’s Fox & Friends, news reader Jillian Mele informed viewers that Trump had pulled ahead of Obama for the first time, and that, in spite of winning the presidential election, President-elect Joe Biden still comes in behind Obama.
[…]Last year, Obama and Trump were tied for first place, and 2018 was the last year Obama was unequivocally in first place. In each case, you don’t have to get to 20 percent to win, because they don’t offer a list. You have to volunteer your answer.
Two years ago, on December 27th, the CBS Evening News hyped the finding in its tease: “In a Gallup poll released today, First Lady Michelle Obama was voted the woman most admired by Americans this year. And, apparently, it’s a family thing because Barack Obama is the most admired man in America for the 11th consecutive year.”
[…]CBS This Morning, ABC’s Good Morning America, MSNBC’s Morning Joe, and CNN Tonight also covered the story in 2018.
Of course, after last week’s events, nobody outside of pro-Trump dead-enders — and MRC employees, but we repeat ourselves — are going to put Trump on a most-admired list.
Instead of the usual call to action to attack advertisers of “liberal media” shows, Wilmouth concluded his item by asking his readers to throw Fox News some sugar: “Tuesday’s Fox & Friends was sponsored in part by Liberty Mutual. Their contact information is linked. Let then know you appreciate the show keeping their viewers informed of matters censored by the more liberal networks.”