To nobody’s surprise, one of the biggest pushers of election fraud conspiracy theories has been editor Joseph Farah. Even after the Capitol riot — and despite the utter lack of credible evidence that the election was “stolen” from Donald Trump — Farah is still riding the Trump conspiracy train.
Farah huffed in his Jan. 21 column:
How does a president of the United States lose an election when he has a majority of likely voters behind him?
That’s the disturbing mystery still surrounding November’s election.
It also provides a trifle more evidence Donald Trump is right about the steal – the theft, the swindle, the biggest hijacking in the history of the U.S.
In Rasmussen’s final presidential tracking poll for President Trump, 51% of likely voters approved of his job performance.
If translated into votes, this have been enough to deliver to Trump the kind of massive victory over Joe Biden that he expected.
Farah didn’t mention that Rasmussen has a notorious pro-Republican bias and shoddy polling methods, making its polls less than trustworthy. But Farah wanted to conspiracy-monger some more:
When you watch returns coming in on election night with Trump way ahead, did you figure there was a reason counting STOPPED? Was that the first time it occurred to you this was going to be an election unlike any other?
When you watched the record crowds attending rallies during a pandemic and Joe Biden unable to draw flies by comparison, was that the best evidence of all?
When you heard the horror stories of voters in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada, did you think Americans would ever get to hear about the most important defrauding in election history?
When you saw that Georgia once again was denied a free and fair election in the same way, had you lost all faith?
When you saw the way the networks and Big Tech managed to squelch any reporting on the fraud charges, did you think America would ever descend lower?
[…]But, people, take heart.
Stick to your principles.
Don’t panic.
We’re playing the long game.
I know it does not seem like we have a card to play.
But just remember who we’ve got in our corner – God.
Is there anything too difficult for Him?
IN his Jan. 26 column, Farah wrote that he “underscore some of the facts surrounding the election that was ‘stolen’ from President Donald J. Trump,” but he just rehashed the same old conspiracies:
Most Republicans and some Democrats know that Trump was on the way to a mandate-style victory with a likely tally of more than 400 in the Electoral College. Just remember where you were election night, when the vote was going all one direction … and then it stalled. As Trump explains it, he was getting calls for most of the night congratulating him. And then they stopped counting votes – in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia and Nevada. In Georgia, they blamed an outage at a water main – but that turned out to be a lie. By the next day, it was no mystery what had happened.
[…]Now here’s something others have not considered: The role played by Chinese Communists. You say there’s no evidence? It was their pandemic, launched upon the world, knowingly – a world quite unprepared for such an eventuality. Would that not be, shall we say, newsworthy? It would also be logical. Now, how much fake news was fed to us regarding the utter fantasies about supposed “Russian Collusion”? It was used pretty much as a four-year media crusade against Trump. I don’t know if the pandemic was a planned operation entirely. But it was used by the Chinese to do something evil. For instance, they sent thousands of people contaminated with the virus to the U.S. and elsewhere, but prevented infected people from traveling within China.
The manipulation of the presidential election was good for the Democrats, the fake news, Big Tech and the Chinese. They all got what they wanted from the “Steal.” They’re all banking heavily that it works. They all have a lot at stake. There’s just one thing that could upset their apple cart – just one man.
Donald J. Trump.
How will he do it?
I’m not sure.
But payback will be sweet.
Oh, how I can taste it now.
Farah offered more of the same in his Feb. 3 column:
Some, like me for instance, think it would be appropriate to bring back the asterisk for Joe Biden’s presidency. There’s no doubt that Joe is sitting in the White House. He’s called the president by CNN and even Fox News. But I know there at least 75 million reasons that he shouldn’t be sitting in that residence and not being called by that title.
It seems an asterisk is the best way to denote the electoral steal most Americans know about (no matter how bad George Stephanopoulos feels).
Let’s face facts. According to the actual vote, Donald J. Trump should still be president. I think the least we can do is to put an asterisk next to Biden’s name as the 46th president. If we lived in a time of free and fair elections and freedom of the press, it wouldn’t take us very long to prove the fraud to the right authorities. But we live in a time in which you cannot speak of the fraud, not write of it, not broadcast about it without seeing those ever-present warning labels, like this one that appeared shortly after Nov. 3: “The AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden.” Those labels appeared even though it is unconstitutional, not to mention patently absurd, that any news organization should have a roles in “calling” or “deciding” the winner.
Big Tech is playing mind control.
[…]I believe Trump got considerably more than 75 million votes, by the way. If we ever find out what the totals were for the winner, Trump, and the loser, Biden, we’ll see how lopsided it truly was, a virtual landslide.
You know how you can tell?
The Democrats are so mad about any passing mention of election fraud. They use the television waves to tell us how mad they are – at the Republicans! They are all steamed in their appearances on the fake news networks. It’s the dead giveaway. They stole the election, and they’re planning to steal the next one – but they get angry at any Republican who won’t agree that Biden won fairly! That’s why they won’t give up until we forget about the last election.
I don’t want to forget.
I won’t.
I want to stay as mad about this with every executive order that Biden signs.
Of course, staying mad is a good way to induce another stroke, which Farah has spent the past two years recovering from.