WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah isn’t just spinning election fraud conspiracy theories — he seems to have also come down with a full-fledged case of Biden Derangement Syndrome.
In his Jan. 25 column, Farah touted how “Mike McCormick, the author of ‘Joe Biden: Unauthorized,’ said the president is now at ’50 percent’ of mental capacity. ‘He’s not capable of sitting down with Chinese President Xi Jinping,’ McCormick said.” He didn’t mention that Biden is a hostile writer — his other major work is a book called “15 Years A Deplorable” — whose alleged biography was self-published.
Two days later, Farah had a childish (and crazy) response to Biden declaring he would bar the federal government from using the term “China virus” to describe COVID-19:
China Virus. China Virus. China Virus. China Virus. China Virus. China Virus. China Virus.
I figured I better get that out of my system while I still can.
I’ve been calling the coronavirus the China virus from the start. So was Donald J. Trump. So were millions of other Americans.
[…]It indeed originated there. It was also intentionally spread by China as an attack on the United States and elsewhere. These are facts. It’s why Donald Trump first stopped travel from China specifically.
Is Biden mad? Is he losing his marbles?
[…]He’s gleefully and willfully working with Communist China to ban the name of a virus begun by China, likely for the express purpose of spreading the disease throughout the world as a bio-weapon!
Is this guy for real? Is this still the United States of America? Is he really the president of the United States, or is this a nightmare?
On Jan. 31, Farah ranted about Biden signing so many executive orders in his first days in office: “Joe Biden, who said during the campaign he didn’t believe in executive orders, actions and directives as a way of governing, signed 40 of them, in just his first nine days. In other words, he’s acting like a dictator, criticized by no less the New York Times.” In his Feb. 8 column, Farah declared that “the fix is in” on a federal investigation of Hunter Biden because a lawyer hired by federal officials to work on it came from the same law firm as Hunter’s defense attorney.
On March 7, Farah melted down over Biden referring to Taxas and other states relaxing restrictions whilie the coronavirus pandemic is still raging as “Neanderthal thinking”:
Perhaps you think Neanderthals are extinct, or that they bred their way into the line of humans to the tune of 2-3% – or maybe, like me, you don’t even believe Neanderthals ever existed.
But Biden clearly does.
He believes human beings existed 40,000 years ago, 300,000 years ago, maybe 1 million years ago. In other words, he believes in evolution – not because he is educated, but because he trusts scientists to know things they cannot possibly know. He also does not trust God when he clearly tells us all life – human and animal – began less than 6,000 years ago when He created Adam and Eve. I’ve never heard anything that could cause me to doubt that fact.
[…]And to top it off, Neanderthals were supposed to be an inferior race which developed in Africa before moving into the Middle East and Europe! Once a racist, always a racist.
What is the definition of a racist? To believe in inferior races. Isn’t that right? If you believe in inferior races, you must believe in a superior race.
Does that not make Joe Biden a “white supremacist?”
Farah embraced the “Biden is senile” narrative again — mixed in with his election fraud conspiracy-mongering — in his March 10 column:
Donald Trump had it right when he said Joe Biden was shot. “He’s gonzo, folks.”
More specifically, what he meant was Joe Biden had seen better days. He was cognitively challenged. He was not the man he once was – and that’s not saying much.
This is a serious matter.
The world is a dangerous place. We have enemies. It’s not Trump. It’s not “domestic terrorists.” It’s not white supremacists.
This week Biden forgot, if he ever knew, the name of his secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin. He was standing right next to him at the time. He never recalled it. So he referred to him as “the guy who runs that outfit over there.” In other words, he forgot his title too.
[…]Now we know for certain that the Democrats pulled off one of the greatest con-jobs in the history of the world – keeping Joe Biden hold up throughout the 2020 “campaign” and reserving enough “votes” to give him the greatest victory ever in the annals of U.S. elections – generally called “The Steal.”
So what’s the administration going to do – or should I say Chief of Staff Ron Klain or Barack Obama or whoever the shadow president is?
This is as serious as a heart attack – and there is no one prepared in the wings if Joe Biden fails. You can’t keep this going much longer – even though Kamala Harris is playing president, meeting foreign dignitaries, trailing Joe Biden everywhere.
Now we know why Harris was selected for this assignment. She did not have any achievements in her political career to warrant it – but her inexperience, coupled with her radicalness, was made to order for the Democrats who care about nothing other than getting their way.
This is one scary scenario.
What is to become of the greatest land the world ever knew?
God help us!
It seems that Farah is more deranged about Biden than he has portrayed Biden himself as being.