WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has had a messy history with Brett Kavanaugh. He has been vocal in the past in attacking Kavanaugh’s role in purportedly botching the investigation of the death of Vince Foster while working for Ken Starr (by not charging anyone with murder in Foster’s suicide, apparently) — but when Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court, Farah went silent, only to rage about him again once he was safely on the court.
So when Kavanaugh was on the majority side in deciding not to hear a complaint of fraud in Pennsylvania in the 2020 presidential election, Farah — who’s been spinning bogus conspiracy theories about the election, eternally unable to accept that Trump lost fair and square — ranted again in his Feb. 24 column:
The Supreme Court sold out once again Monday morning in a failure to hear a review of a Pennsylvania case in Election 2020.
Perhaps the Supreme Court had something more important to do than hear the case. Perhaps a majority of the court was just too sensitive about how it would be viewed as a politicization of the judiciary. Perhaps there were some members too eager to get along with their colleagues.
There is one justice on the court I was quite sure would never have the guts to do the right thing.
[…]No, the one person I KNEW would disappoint me was one I had understood so well for years – Brett Kavanaugh. Back in 2018, I begged that he not be the one selected for the high court. However, I sat through his anguishing confirmation process and actually gained sympathy for him while he was repeatedly beaten up without so much as any evidence over an alleged sexual assault of Christine Blasey Ford 38 years earlier. He won the hearts of conservatives because of the insanity of the opposition. That was just the Democrats doing their thing – much like they would do in the 2020 election!
There are six Republican justices – of a total of nine!
Only Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch sought to hear the case. Shocking! There are three Democrats that always vote as Democrats. It’s in their blood. It’s in their DNA. It’s in their genes.
[…]How are Americans to believe in the sanctity of elections when Supreme Court justices don’t! This election had all the makings of a fraud without most people paying attention to the details.
OK, how did I know? What gave me a bad feeling about Kavanaugh – worse than a bad feeling?
I was sure he would disappoint us just as surely as all the other Republican squishes had done so – Earl Warren, Warren Burger, David Souter, Anthony Kennedy and Sandra Day O’Connor.
How did I know that Kavanaugh would betray Trump?
Simple deduction: His former mentor did the same thing to Ronald Reagan – namely Kenneth Starr.
Farah then once again rehashed his bill of goods against Kavanaugh. The problem, of course, is that there was no real case to begin with — as we’ve noted, election law experts have said everything went down legally in Pennsylvania.
It should be no surprise that Farah doesn’t care about the facts, since not caring about the facts has been WND’s calling card for much of its existence.