You may have seen the video last week where Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., grills Dr. Anthony “Tony” Fauci (aka “Dr. Ubiquitous”) over his fear-mongering and double-mask mania.
If not, make sure you watch the entire exchange on C–SPAN and not the heavily-edited, pro-Fauci version on the opposition media.
Sen. Paul — who just happens to be a doctor — cited a number of studies that found after one contracts COVID-19 and recovers the chance of getting reinfected is infinitesimally small.
In addition, when a patient has taken the coronavirus vaccine there is again a miniscule chance of reinfection and spreading the disease.
Then Paul directly challenged Fauci, “You’ve had the vaccine and you’re still wearing two masks! Isn’t that mask theatre?”
In response Fauci waved his hands and responded “variant” and “wild,” which translated into English means, “Boo,”and “Double Boo.”
[…]Paul has some insight into Fauci’s motivation for continuing to mislead the public, “What Fauci won’t tell you is he is telling you a ‘noble lie’. He is lying because he doesn’t think we are smart enough to make decisions. His fear is, if we quit wearing masks, the vaccinated [people] will say ‘What the h**l, I’m not wearing a mask either.'”
Which wouldn’t make a difference anyway, since the science says face burkas don’t work.
We have another take on the head of the “Flustapo.”
Fauci’s bitter clinging to his multi-mask mandate is a combination of an eagerness to extend his control of the public and his fantasy of a new pandemic right around the corner.
“Dr. Ubiquitous” has become drunk on power.
He just can’t give up the rush that comes when previously ignored “doctor’s orders” now have the force of law.
— Michael Reagan, March 22 Newsmax column
(Yes, Paul “just happens to be a doctor,” but one of opthamology, which gives him no special insight into viruses. Fauci is an immunologist, which is the study of immune systems, and his work crosses into virology. And actually, Mike, the science shows that face masks work.)