WorldNetDaily recently marked its 24th anniversary, and editor Joseph Farah used that occasion to go down memory lane touting WND’s alleged “accomplishments.” He wrote:
One of the proudest moments for me was our sustained coverage of the Terri Schiavo case. WND was the only news outlet that covered the saga of this young, disabled woman, who was eventually starved to death by court order, for two years before it became, for a short time, the biggest story in the world. I am convinced that without that coverage, few would even know the name Terri Schiavo today. She might have died in obscurity, and the great debate over the sanctity of life that her sacrifice inspired might have been limited to local backwater courtrooms.
Now, we’ve been following WND’s journey for much of that time, and we know when Farah is BSing you. We documented how WND’s coverage of the Terri Schiavo story was highly biased, effectively serving as the PR agent for her family while repeatedly suggesting that her husband murdered her, first with the brain injury that left her in a persistent vegetative state and then going through the legal process to have her life support cut off after years of no change in her condition. A book by a WND reporter on the case perpetuated much of that unfair and defamatory bias.
Farah continued:
More recently, WND set the standard – and is still doing so – in coverage of the killing of another innocent: Miriam Carey, a young black dental hygienist from Connecticut who was gunned down by Secret Service and Capitol Police on the streets of Washington for making a wrong turn near the White House. WND did the kind of journalism in this case that inspired me to become a reporter, to devote my life to news, to feel like I had the best job in the world. This case isn’t over – and won’t be – until the cover-up is fully exposed and her family receives justice.
Actually, WND was using the Carey story to attack President Obama. Farah cared nothing about Carey the person, only Carey the anti-Obama cudgel.
Farah added:
I can’t forget WND’s dogged pursuit of Barack Obama’s eligibility issue, culminating in its book “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” going to No. 1 at Amazon, forcing the White House to retrieve what it claimed was the legitimate document from Hawaii a day later. The pursuit of this story, it should be recalled, got Donald Trump involved in arguably his first major controversial political act.
This was a turning point for the nation!
Why would Farah think that his operation’s eight-year promotion of a lie was such an accomplishment? That, more than anything, is responsible for the current financially challenged state of WND. And if Farah was so proud of turning Trump into a birther, why did it downplay Trump’s birtherism before the 2016 election?
Of course, Farah will never admit his history of shoddy journalism has brought WND to the brink; instead, he complained that “Google, Facebook and Amazon had their way with us.” He concluded by tying a predicted WND renaissance with that of Trump:
We’re down but not out. I see a renaissance on the horizon. Trump will be back after being cheated out of reelection.
At 67, I’m not a kid any more. But I’m giving WND my all for the time I have. Pray for us. Pray for Donald Trump, who has proven to be the only man capable of taking on the Tech Tyrants. Join with us. Support us. We’re not through. We’re still here. We plan on ushering in better times for America!
Make America Great Again, indeed – in the name of God!
It’s unlikely that anyone would agree with Farah that the lies he and WND have spread over the past 24 years have made anyone great again, let alone America.