How desperate is to attack President Biden at every possible opportunity? It ran an article about his hair. No, really.
An anonymous CNS writer (presumably because they didn’t want their name associated with this dreck) wrote in an April 30 article headlined “Judge Solely by His Hair: Which Photo of Biden Was Taken in 2012 and Which in 2021?”:
One photo of Joe Biden shows him almost completely bald on the top of his head, while two others shows him with a fair amount of hair remaining there.
The question: Which one was taken earlier in his life and which ones were taken later?
One might guess that a man would lose hair as he got older.
Yet, in the three photos below from Getty Images—one from 2012 and two other taken in 2021—Biden appears to have gained hair on the top of his head as time has passed.
The anonymous CNS writer never explained the relevance of this story. It’s not done as a light item, because CNS has no interest in humanizing Biden. The only possible reason is to mock him — another double standard since it brooked no mocking of Donald Trump.
The thing is, of course, that this isn’t a new thing — his hair has been discussed since the late 1980s, and Politico did a 2008 article in which a consensus was reached that Biden has received a hair transplant, even if he won’t admit it.
Congratulations, CNS — you’re 30 years late to a meaningless story.