Laura Hollis began her May 20 WorldNetDaily column by huffing under the headline “Is press deceit a pathology, or closer to insanity?”:
A free country depends upon an honest and vigilant press to demand accountability from the country’s political, economic and cultural leaders.
We are in serious trouble; our press is neither honest nor vigilant.
To the contrary, the national media in the United States is hopelessly biased, selectively incurious and relentlessly deceitful about the most important issues we are facing today. As a result, the health of the nation is at risk. Literally.
Hollis is conveniently ignoring the fact that the outlet that publishes her column is one of the most deceitful media operations out there. Of course, like any right-winger, Hollis’ definition of “the press” only includes outlets she can attack as “liberal,” even though many national media outlets like Fox News has an unambiguous right-wing bias.
After ranting about alleged media suppression of speculation about the source of the coronavirus in China — as if talking about that would have saved any of the 500,000-plus people who died of it in the U.S. — Hollis then took on a related subject:
But the press’s stubborn opposition to anything Trump said extended not only to the origins of COVID-19 but also to treatment methodologies. When Trump repeated what he had been told about successful early intervention with the drug hydroxychloroquine, the talking points went out: Denounce it. Even when hundreds of doctors pleaded for the use of hydroxychloroquine based on their successes with their own patients, the press attacked those physicians. So rabid was their loathing of Trump. I watched countless people repeat these denunciations as if they were gospel. And, in a dynamic we have seen play out on plenty of other issues since, social media banned anyone who tried to present any countervailing evidence.
This is beyond pathology; it is insanity. It is bad enough when press bias causes people to lose elections. This level of derangement may well have caused people to lose their lives.
Most people who care about medicine think it should be advanced with legitimate trials, not anecdotes, and actual medical experts have not found hydroxychloroquine to be effective in treating COVID-19.
In pushing an ineffective drug in order to own the libs — not to mention refusing to hold her publisher to the same standards she holds the “liberal media” — it appears Hollis is the one who going from beyond pathology to insanity.