Joe Biden is not the moderate he pretended to be during the 2020 election.
He’s not perceived as “honest and trustworthy.”
A new poll shows the American people are not confident in his “ability to deal wisely with an international crisis.”
Only 38% think he says what he believes and 44% think he’s saying what people want to hear.
He’s not honest and empathic.
Only 21% think he can bring the country together.
What does this tell you?
It tells you that at best Americans believe they were sold a bill of goods. At worst, Donald Trump was right: They were the victims of the Big Steal, voter fraud – the worst in the nation’s history.
[…]This is sensational news for you know who.
Donald Trump.
It’s almost too good to be true, in fact, assuming Republicans will get their act together and stop cooperating in any fashion with this fascist pretender. Republicans also must support in every conceivable way VOTER INTEGRITY as a top priority before the midterms.
Why’s that?
Because we have too many Republicans still currying up to Joe Biden! And not enough believing that Trump was highway robbed of the election!
Does anyone in his or her right mind believe that Biden received 81,268,024 votes, the most by far of anyone ever elected president? He received more than Barack Obama, who was the best thing that ever happened to Joe.
Do you think that is possible? Biden didn’t even campaign in 2020. He rarely left Delaware. Trump was getting adoration at every turn. Anyone who believes these results needs to have his head examined.
And that includes most of the personalities at Fox News.
— Joseph Farah, Aug. 4 WorldNetDaily column
We’re in trouble. REAL trouble!
That’s what you have when Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin agree that Joe Biden doesn’t know what’s going on in Afghanistan.
I’m not joking.
[…]I heard Biden say, in his own words, the Afghan forces had one of the largest armies in the region – boasting some 300,000 troops trained by the U.S.
What on earth was he waiting for to begin an orderly, effective withdrawal and prevent a massacre?
It’s pretty evident Biden is not up to the task of making judgments. He’s had eight months to prepare!
Once again, the American people need to know: Who’s in charge of the nation’s policies?
Who is the real president?
— Joseph Farah, Aug. 24 WND column
Joe Biden, or whoever is really running our country, surrendered Afghanistan and then forgot our allies and tens of thousands of our own citizens facing near certain death by the Taliban.
Joe Biden opened the border wide to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in the midst of a pandemic that’s on the way to seeing COVID shots required for citizens.
Joe Biden, in connection with Big Tech and the media, which continue to blacklist Donald Trump, is trying his best to prevent his predecessor from ever running for president again.
You would almost have to be willfully blind not to see the effects of the 2020 election on our country and not accept the reality that our vote was rigged, fraudulent, stolen.
What is there left to prove?
How it was carried out?
I wish I knew the details.
[…]Nothing in his political history reveals him to be the most radical president. It’s just his willingness to do ANYTHING to be president. Did he make a deal with the devil? He would have to.
We just don’t know in what form the devil came to him.
But we will soon find out. Or lose the country forever.
— Joseph Farah, Aug. 25 WND column
“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”
– Isaiah 6:8
Joe Biden is not the first to choose the words of Isaiah in times of trouble.
But that’s what he chose to do after keeping people waiting for consoling words after the latest tragedy in Afghanistan Thursday.
I don’t know who advised him. Maybe he thought it was the right time for a Bible verse.
This time, they were words that, shall we say, ring hollow.
Isaiah was not on a recruiting mission for soldiers. He was not on a mission for politicians. He was rather telling the Lord he was volunteering to be the one to give the word of the Lord to His people. After all, that was what Isaiah did – he prophesied. He was looking for marching orders.
Joe Biden doesn’t prophesy. He doesn’t even follow intelligence reports. And he sure isn’t a Bible scholar.
— Joseph Farah, Aug. 27 WND column
Biden is a fool. We all know that. We can see it for ourselves. We’re not dumb, blind and stupid. But he’s not alone. He’s got accomplices – many of them. And now Peggy Grande has affirmed it.
Now we can all see with our own eyes the real Joe Biden – a feckless, old-beyond-his-years, cognitively challenged codger, a French fry short of a happy meal. We may not know who the “real” president is or if there is one – but we know who’s calling the shots for him. We know who’s telling him what to say, what to do and when to do it. DEMOCRATS.
— Joseph Farah, Aug. 31 WND column
Joe Biden is senile. That should be obvious to any rational person. He commits an embarrassing faux pas at least every day. His cognitive ability is a joke. He’s ravaged by even MSNBC and CNN, which have been his biggest champions. His Afghanistan screw-up is the latest in eight months of malfeasance and scandals that bring on righteous calls for 25th Amendment challenges, impeachment charges and pleas for resignation. He’s been roasted by his former champions abroad among U.S. allies.
But the Democrats never talk about any of this. They neither see nor admit none of it.
And the person who would take over in each removal scenario is the cackling shrew Kamala Harris. It’s enough to make you queasy.
Our country has never been in more trouble, not even when Adolf Hitler and Hideki Tojo were at their peak of vanquishing freedom around the world. To have Franklin Roosevelt at the helm would be more acceptable than a fool who cannot construct a coherent sentence, or, for that matter, read a teleprompter.
— Joseph Farah, Sept. 6 WND column
I used to call Joe Biden an embarrassment. It was cute when he would do certain things … like plagiarize. If that’s all he did, he could be forgiven, sort of. But Joe was a SERIAL plagiarist.
That’s because he was never that bright.
[…]Today, Joe Biden is still a fool. He’s a disgrace. He’s proved that by leaving Americans behind the lines in Afghanistan. I didn’t think it was possible that he could do that surrounded by advisers – even Democrats.
But Joe is acting like he has a diseased mind, right now. It’s no longer satisfactory calling him confused or cognitively challenged. He has a disordered brain. His mind is sick. It’s dark!
And they don’t let him talk to anyone without a teleprompter.
Why? He gets confused, confounded, disoriented, bewildered, perplexed, confounded, addled, flustered, dumbfounded, befuddled and even baffled.
That’s why he knows he’ll “get in trouble,” as he has admitted, if he doesn’t stick to the script.
But he can’t. So he keeps getting warned he’ll “get in trouble.”
Yet, I’m getting at something worse than that. He’s gotten very mean in his old age. What do I mean by mean? Unkind with a dose of contemptible pettiness. He’s been dishonorable for a long time, putting his own interests ahead of his obligations – like the fate of his constituents, real Americans.
But he can hardly be called an American. He’s a coward, he’s greedy, he’s sordid, he’s vile.
[…]I once felt sorry for Joe Biden – I really did. But he has ruined America, brought it to its lowest point ever. That’s something that is beyond contempt. I didn’t think anyone could be worse than Obama. I now miss that time.
Is Joe humiliating? Yes, he’s humiliating America.
— Joseph Farah, Sept. 15 WND column