WorldNetDaily was of three minds about the Sept. 18 “Justice for J6” rally, in which motley right-wingers expressed their support for the insurrectionists at the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. First up was Brent Smith, who stated in a Sept. 17 column that the rally was a stupid idea:
But it seems we on the right also have our gaggle of morons – like those who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6. Notice I said entered – but for all intents and purposes, they were let in.
Little did they know, but certainly should have, that Jan. 6 was a setup – a setup by the left. Of course, it wasn’t organized by leftists, but they quickly made it into a crisis that didn’t go to waste, beginning with the twisting of President Trump’s words and intent, from, “We will march down to the Capital to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,” to him “inciting” violence with his caustic rhetoric.
The Quick Reaction Force (QRF) of the left, the leftist media, turned that almost entirely peacefully protest march into something rivaling 9/11 or the Civil War. It was and still is despicable. But it’s what we’ve come to expect from the media.
Yet after all that’s happened in the aftermath – after all the reflection of what a stupid idea it was to enter the Capitol, some have decided, “Hey – January 6th was such a monumental failure, let’s try it again. Let’s give the radicals on the left another go to paint all conservatives as domestic terrorists.” Brilliant!
[…]I agree that the some 600 people charged in connection to Jan. 6 deserve real justice, but I can guarantee they won’t be helped by people showing up at the Capitol again.
The left, with an assist from Trump-hating spineless Republicans, made up their minds long ago about the guilt of every last one that was there on Jan. 6. And nothing will change their minds.
So what a great idea, to have another “right-wing rally.” CNN already reported of a “new wave of concern about more potential violence on Capitol Hill …”
[…]There have been no calls by leftists to shut this thing down. Gee – I wonder why? It sure as hell isn’t because of their love and respect for freedom of speech. They are hoping that something will happen that gives them the opportunity to paint all on the right as domestic terrorists, or at the very least, enemies of democracy.
Anyone with a brain has to know that this event is a monumentally bad idea. If you are considering attending, don’t. If you know anyone who may, try to talk some sense into them.
Maybe if we’re lucky, they’ll be a freak hurricane or tornado that blows through.
The same day, Tom Zawistowski complained that the rally was being demonized by “the left”:
So, let me get this straight. A group of around 700 American citizens, by “intelligence estimates,” with documented legal concerns about disparate treatment of the political prisoners arrested after the Jan. 6 violence, are going to be protesting at the U.S. Capitol and in several state capitals this Saturday, Sept. 18. They have a permit for the event from the U.S. Park Service. They have coordinated the details of the event with the Capitol Police, the D.C. Police and the Park Service. They have their own security.
They have publicly rejected any participation in the event by anyone who wants to commit violence. They are doing what is lawfully their right to do under the First Amendment and doing it in a lawful way, as all Americans would want them to do and wish had been done on Jan. 6. Yet, Reps. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, and Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., who chair panels that oversee the Capitol Police, said, “Given the violent tendencies of the right-wing extremists who plan to attend, it is obvious this rally poses a threat to the Capitol,” while adding that Capitol Police have “a clear plan … to maintain order.”
Does he mean those “violent tendencies” like the Antifa and BLM violent “peaceful protests,” which included looting and burning 140 cities and inflicting $2 billion in damages while injuring 2,037 police officers?
They say it’s “obvious”? Based on what, Rep. Ryan? Leaked media claims from “unknown sources” about “internet chatter”? Really?
Then why are all the unfairly demonized groups, like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, and even most hard right podcasters and social media sites, telling everyone “don’t go, it’s a false flag event setup by the FBI to trap Trump supporters”? Which it is not.
While everyone on the left is creating hysteria to try to stop this event and attack those with a dissenting opinion, those on the right should be embarrassed for not supporting this important rally. They are proving that one thing is clear: The left, the media and the Biden regime have succeeded in creating delusional thinking on both sides of America’s great divide.
[…]In closing, let me state clearly, this unwarranted hysteria is all a campaign of intentional distraction intended to stop Americans from exercising their rights and stop the world from hearing the truth about what actually happened on Jan. 6 and the gross mistreatment of the Jan. 6 political prisoners. A recent Rasmussen Poll shows half of Americans believe that the U.S. government is holding political prisoners.
On the other hand, Joseph Farah penned a Sept. 22 column after the rally praising it for being a “dress rehearsal” for the anti-Biden movement he wants to start:
And so it begins. …
On Friday, I shared my thoughts about how to build a visible movement against Joe Biden’s terror program – and I watched a picture perfect demonstration of it already on Saturday!
A group of several hundred peaceful protesters gathered near the Capitol – and were met by a heavy police presence meant to “protect” the building from another “insurrection,” just as I predicted.
This was a demonstration seeking “Justice for J6” (a reference to the Jan. 6 Capitol fracas) that made its point effectively amid beefed up security, police in full riot gear and National Guard fencing.
This was a start of what I proposed for the occupation of Washington EVERY DAY commencing later this year and continuing through the midterm election next year.
Think of it! An OCCUPY D.C. movement by the deplorables! It’s rich. Do you remember Occupy Wall Street? This should be the polar opposite.
They had just the right tone on Saturday. The event began with prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem. What a contrast to the mayhem of the left!
[…]So there you have it. A job well done. Keep it up!
Remember, I was suggesting that OCCUPY D.C. begins with some planning around Nov. 8, 2021, and ends hopefully in an electoral triumph Nov. 7, 2022. But I’m delighted to witness a dress rehearsal for the idea.
Contrary to Farah’s claim, there weren’t “several hundred” protesters there; the attendance was a couple hundred at most.