Joseph Farah wrote in his Sept. 9 WorldNetDaily column:
“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. This principle is, contempt prior to examination.“
Some of the best historical quotes – like the one above – are unattributable with any degree of certitude. It has been attributed to several people including Edmund Spencer and William Paley as far back as 1794.
Still, there is wisdom in these words – especially in regard to their meaning in our times insofar as what we have come to know as “fake news” and “conspiracy theories.”
Think about it.
The key words in this parable are “contempt prior to examination.”
It means making up your mind before the facts are in. We’re all guilty of it sometimes. But it has become de rigueur for far too many.
Farah will never admit it because he’s shameless and dishonest, but he is among that crowd. That has been the modus operandi for how Farah has run WND for the past 25 years. On story after story — from Barack Obama’s birth certificate to Seth Rich to election fraud — he first came to a conclusion that reflected his vengeful far-right ideology, then directed his minions to backfill with claims regardless of their accuracy. That utter disregard of the truth has put WND in the precarious financial position it is in today — not to mention making it so radioactive that almost no credible people want to do business with it.
Rather than admit those inconvenient facts, Farah went on his usual tirade against the “deep state” and “Russia collusion” and painting Donald Trump as a victim, huffing that “Visceral hatred of Donald Trump, his manner and his ideas are tearing America apart, destroying our social fabric, rendering justice and self-government nearly impossible.”
Does Farah think his visceral hatred of Obama and Joe Biden isn’t divisive and destroying the social fabric? He has chosen to believe a lie about the 2020 election and is spewing Biden derangement — which, yes, renders justice and self-government nearly impossible. He is a major contributor to the conditions he purports to decry.
Nevertheless, Farah continued to indict himself:
No matter what you might believe about Donald Trump, is it inarguably true that “contempt prior to examination” is foolishness, error, absurdity, craziness?
If so, why do we practice it? Why just accept what you hear from those with the biggest megaphone?
It has to do with the survival of the greatest society the world has ever known. The time is short.
If Farah wasn’t so utterly gutless, he needs to ask himself that question. It would make his call for atonement less hollow, since he’s amply demonstrated that he’s a religious hypocrite who has no intention or desire whatsoever to atone for his legacy of hate, lies and divisiveness — not to mention contempt prior to examination.