The Media Research Center loves to complain about softball interviews in the media — but the MRC has conducted its own softball interviews. Take, for example, this Sept. 30 piece of sycophancy from MRC writer Gabriel Hays, who is interview right-wing columnist and anti-LGBT activist Matt Walsh. Hays doesn’t call Walsh that, of course — that would be too honest. Instead, he gushes that Walsh is a “Loudoun County resident and Daily Wire blogger” who is in the county to rage against the idea that Loudoun County schools might dare treat LGBT people with respect.
The sycophancy started early, as Hays wrote in the post accompanying the video: “The popular conservative columnist explained why it was important to stand up against this child abuse, which is not only destroying our young children in public school and destroying their parents’ right to a say in what their kids are being taught, it’s also denying the truth about biology.” In the video, Hays’ first sycophantic question was “Why is it important that you’re here today, in this fight?” Hays then teed up various softballs for Walsh talk smack about LGBT people.
Surprisingly, Hays inserted a clip of a Walsh screed that showed his true hatred: He irrationally ranted that school board members were “child abusers” who “indoctrinate” children into a “insane, ideological cult” of transgenderism, going on to screech, “You are poison. You are predators.” Hays followed up, however, by letting Walsh spout further on his extreme claim that letting transgender people be who they are is “child abuse” and never questioning him on it — perhaps because Hays hates transgender people as much as Walsh does. Hays remained a passive interviewer even when Walsh insisted the way to handle transgender teens is “to lovingly correct them, to affirm them in the truth,” even though nothing Walsh has shown thus far shows he is capable of love toward anyone, let alone transgender people.
Hays also gave Walsh space to reframe his stunt of leasing space in Loudoun County for the sole purpose of being able to harangue school board members after the board made the commonsense decision to limit speakers at meetings to county residents. As Hays sycophantically summed it up in the post accompanying his video:
In a hilarious work-around, Walsh signed a lease and rental agreement for Loudoun County property just days prior to the meeting so he could speak. In jest we asked if his new Loudoun County residency was a “coincidence” and he played along. “Just like they changed the rules before I showed up was a ‘coincidence,’ they said … coincidentally I just happened to decide to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a Loudoun County resident,” he quipped.
Well we’re honored to welcome Matt as a new Virginian. Hopefully he can move up here anytime there’s another LCPS board meeting looking to take advantage of our kids.
“Our kids”? We were not aware that Hays 1) had any kids, and 2) has meaningful residence in Loudoun County to send them to county schools. While Walsh did claim to have a kid, it’s highly unlikely he uprooted her from his actual home in Tennessee to enroll her in a school just to pursue a hateful transphobic vendetta — which means he has abandoned his family to pull this stunt. Indeed, he simply paid a friend $1 to claim he was a Virginia resident, a tactic that probably wouldn’t hold up for tax purposes. Hays didn’t ask for proof of his residency, of course.
Further, as Wonkette points out: Pretending to be a resident of another state for the sole purposes of denigrating LGBT people and insulting school boards is not the mark of a healthy, well-adjusted man. Wonkette added: “Walsh isn’t interested in honestly engaging on this topic nor even attempting to empathize with the people, including vulnerable children, he actively demonizes. This is all a sick game to him.”
Walsh has no personal stake here — no actual residency, no kids in public school (here or anywhere). He just wants a platform to spew hate. And Hays was just the hateful sycophant to eagerly provide that to him.