Newsmax columnist Conrad Black has long been a Trump suck-up — after all, doing so resulted in Trump pardoning him for his tax and perjury crimes. So it’s nor a surprise that Black embraced Trump Big Lie about the election in his Oct. 5 column:
In an election where there were more than 40 million harvested and dropped and otherwise unverifiable ballots and where, if 53,000 ballots in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona had gone for Trump instead of Biden, Trump would have won the election, suggestions of Democratic skulduggery are not the demented fabrications of the candidate whom Sullivan compares (none too favorably) to Hitler and Mussolini.
There were 19 serious lawsuits contesting the constitutional integrity of the election — as opposed to individual voters complaining about the treatment of their own ballots — but the judiciary, for improvised process reasons, declined to hear any of them.
The thought that the Trump campaign might have had a legitimate grievance is discounted as a complete fantasy if not a manifestation of outright insanity.
Conveniently, the disorganized, over-hyped, and rather unserious efforts of Sidney Powell (who was a public advocate and not retained by Trump) and Rudolph Giuliani made Trump’s claims of a tainted election easier to ridicule and dismiss.
The huge number of unverifiable ballots and undoubted lapses of scrutinization standards in a very narrow result in key states while the election was without significant incident in 44 of the 50 states, raises very serious questions about the integrity of the election and the vote-counting system.
Black also laughably insists that Trump’s pushing of the Big Lie has been “reasonably civil” (but has to go to ancient Rome to make it look that way):
Given the doubtful result and the judicial abdication, Trump’s response has been reasonably civil. When the majority of the Roman Senate condoned the murder of the distinguished reformers Tiberius and Gaius Gracchi in the late second century B.C., they eliminated the possibility for the republic to continue to evolve sensibly.
When the senators, by their incompetence, squandered armies and left Rome vulnerable to invaders, and generals the Senate suspected of not being malleable (Marius, Sulla, Pompey, and Caesar) repelled Rome’s enemies and acquired for themselves the loyalty of the armies that they had led successfully, the Senate surrendered the republic to political generals.
[…]Trump, in fact, has been quite moderate in response to the questionable 2020 result and to what is now being unearthed as the politicization in 2016 of the national intelligence agencies and the FBI as they unconstitutionally assisted the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign in trying to cheat Trump out of the 2016 election.
Black completed his suck-up hat trick by absolving Trump of all blame for “the events of Jan. 6”:
Biden is a failure and the Bidenization of America is a disaster.
The phenomenon of wokeness and the self-loathing of America are fraudulent, and the indulgence of them is disgusting. Apart from calling for a large peaceful protest, Trump had nothing to do with the events of Jan. 6 and certainly nothing to do with any law-breaking at the U.S. Capitol.The attempt to defame Trump as a putschist and hype Jan. 6 as a traumatizing event on the scale of Sept. 11, 2001, or Pearl Harbor is a total failure.
Finally, Black invoked “the Russian collusion smear, the abuse of the impeachment process, the espionage and defamation conducted against one candidate with the imprimatur of the national intelligence and federal police, the influence-peddling of the Biden family, the attempted vote-rigging in 2020” to declare: “Donald Trump was the chief victim, and with all his failings, nothing is more natural than that he should lead the forces of responsible opposition to almost all the damage to the American political system that Peggy Noonan, Andrew Sullivan, and Robert Kagan — all esteemed people — have mindlessly cheered and promoted these last five years.”
Trump has more than demonstrated himself to be anything but a “responsible” leader, but Black is too busy sucking up to notice.