We noted that a WorldNetDaily column by Wayne Allyn Root resurrected the old Cloward-Piven bogeyman to rage against vaccine mandates. But he was not the first WND writer to do so. That honor, such as it is, goes to Joseph Farah in his Oct. 14 column:
We haven’t been hearing possible explanations for Joe Biden’s actions over the last nine months other than stupidity, a cognitive disorder, misguided thinking, even insanity.
But is it possible that he’s being guided by some close to him who are following a scheme much more malign – the Cloward-Piven Strategy?
[…]The Cloward-Piven Strategy has been adopted as part of mainstream leftist ideology. It’s the Rosetta stone for understanding what progressives do and why they do it. It seems to make no sense on the surface to non-leftist ideologues. It seems like irrationality, stupidity or even insanity. But it’s not. It’s pure evil from the pit of hell.
It’s the kind of thinking that led to the gas chambers. It’s the kind of thinking that led to the gulags. It’s the kind of thinking that led to the guillotines.
I fear it comes from the evil nature of those who plan to finish the job of fundamentally transforming America.
Let’s recall that the Obama administration, which included Joe Biden, first set out to kill the flawed but greatest health care system the world had ever known. Obama lied repeatedly about what he was doing. He misrepresented his intentions and his goals. Once he got what he wanted and people could see it didn’t work the way they thought it would work, he told them they just didn’t understand. He told them it was their imaginations that they were losing their health insurance, paying more for medical services and being denied treatment.
You see, in this example, if you followed the Cloward-Piven Strategy, your goal was never to provide better and more affordable health care. It was to destroy the system and replace it with complete government control.
Farah went on to claim without evidence that “New York City went bankrupt in the 1970s because of the Cloward-Piven Strategy specifically designed to precipitate a crisis in the welfare system. No one made the direct connection back then. It took years to figure it out.”
Farah concluded by ranting:
If it’s not error, bad judgment, misguided thinking, irrationality, ideological and multicultural blindness or insanity that explains what Biden and the cabal of pseudo-scientists, ideologues and population-control activists are doing on the China virus front, what does?
I fear it’s something much worse – Cloward-Piven.
Will it bring America to its knees as it brought down New York City in the ’70s? Only if we recognize it’s intentional – rather than the work of just a goofball, senile president.
Spoken like a true — and truly untrustworthy — conspiracy theorist.