Last year, the Media Research Center’s Brad Wilmouth threw a temper tantrum over the media not sufficiently covering Donald Trump being named most admired man in its annual poll — which didn’t age very well after the Capitol riot. Gallup didn’t conduct a “most admired” poll this year, so Wilmouth returned in a Jan. 2 post to peddle a conspiracy theory:
Frequent consumers of news may be aware of Gallup’s annual poll measuring the “most admired man” in America which is typically announced a few days before New Year’s.
The poll was done yearly from 1946 through 2020, with 1976 the only year that was skipped.
NewsBusters pointed out a year ago that liberal news media lost interest in the annual poll after Donald Trump started edging out Barack Obama for first place, whereas the networks previously enjoyed using the survey to embarrassing Trump as sitting President failing to come in first place.
This year, a Google search conspicuously shows no sign that Gallup conducted such a poll for the past year, possibly because they couldn’t stand that thought having to report what likely would have been Trump coming in first again this year — after the January 6 riot.
What evidence does Wilmouth have to support his conspiracy theory? Absolutely none –Gallup hasn’t said why it didn’t do a poll this year. And it’s surprising he would want to remind us that he and his fellow right-wingers are so deluded that they believe a man who helped incite an insurrection against the government is worthy of admiration.
Wilmouth concluded his post by praising Fox News for touting Trump’s status last year — again, ignoring that guy incited a riot a few days later — then added, “Fox & Friends was sponsored in part by Liberty Mutual. Their contact information is linked. Let them know you appreciate such coverage.” Because sucking up to Fox News is more important than defending the country.