Dan Gainor is a Media Research Center employee, but he’s rarely allowed to write for the MRC — most of his work gets published at Fox News. So it’s usually a bit of an event when writes for the mothership. His Dec. 13 post, though, is devoted to whining that a newspaper he almost certainly doesn’t read dropped a conservative columnist:
The Sun didn’t make a big deal about it. Instead it chose to make the announcement with a comment in a letter to the editor. That letter was headlined “Kudos to The Sun for dropping Cal Thomas.”
The writer, Randy Barker of Baltimore, complained about a Thomas opinion piece about Kamala Harris and wrote how he was thrilled that the paper was discontinuing Thomas’ column. “I have just learned of the Sun’s decision to not publish him. With this letter, I want to make readers aware of the Sun’s principled decision.”
Sun Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Trif Alatzas did not respond to a request for comment. And why should he care? It’s not like the Sun has ever cared that it has almost no conservative voices. So one less in a sea of liberal Sun opinions doesn’t mean anything to them.
Gainor’s concern about the Sun’s political diversity is highly ironic, since his employer’s “news” division, CNSNews.com, not only has no regular liberal columnists, it has never published a liberal opinion piece as far as we know. Perhaps he should fix the situation inside his headquarters before lashing out at others.
Gainor then made an ad for Thomas:
Thomas is a well-known conservative columnist and author. He was on Fox News for nearly two decades and has published about a dozen books. His most-recent one came out in January, 2020, and is titled “America’s Expiration Date: The Fall of Empires and Superpowers . . . and the Future of the United States.”
The syndicated column he writes has been around for 37 years. His most recent column, which doesn’t appear on the Sun website, focused on the “Jussie Smollet Hoax.” I guess finding out about media bias was more than the Sun readership and liberal staff could handle.
If Thomas can’t be bothered to spell Smollett’s name correctly, why take his word on anything?It’s not until the end of his post that Gainor disclosed something important: “Cal’s columns also appear on NewsBusters each week.”
If Thomas’ columns are easily available pretty much everywhere, why does the Sun need to publish them? Gainor never explains.