The Media Research Center used to hate “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling for things like admitting that Dumbledore is gay, but has since bonded with her over their shared hatred for transgender peopple. As Rowling has continued to say transphobic things, the MRC’s love for her has only grown.
Last January, Tierin-Rose Mandelburg complained that Rowling’s transphobia was brought up in response to rumors of a “Harry Potter” TV series in the works, unironically declaring that “Holding a grudge is one area the left thrives” — forgetting that she’s employed by the MRC, which has held a grudge against Anita Hill for 30 years. In March, Mandelburg hyped how the actor who played “the villianous Lord Voldemort” in the “Harry Potter” movies, Ralph Fiennes, defended Rowling against criticism of her, adding, “Thank heavens Fiennes stood up to the blasphemy of cancel culture but he should be warned that he may face it too.”
Veronica Hays grumbled in May about how a book festival in New Zealand “removed a popular Harry Potter segment from the event because of author J.K. Rowling’s“transphobia.'” going on to sneer, “It certainly is madness when a popular event is removed just to appease the delicate sensibilities of some mentally-ill individuals; even to the detriment of the festival’s overall success.”
It was Abigail Streetman’s turn to gush over Rowling in a July post, repeating the malicious narrative that transgender people are mentally ill:
J.K. Rowling can now be deemed the queen of owning (a certain segment of) libs on Twitter. The liberal author’s sarcasm and refusal to back down to the far-left trans nuts has made them even crazier, but she is firing back once again.
When Rowling shared her thoughts on only women being able to menstruate in a tweet last year hard-core trans Twitter was fuming. Despite the hatred she still managed to avoid being cancelled and continues to sell millions of copies of her Harry Potter books — even announcing plans for a Harry Potter TV series.
The Rowling hate train never stopped although it did slow down for a bit. But there’s apparently a new Tweet jihad against her.
Rowling pretty cagy, though. She screenshotted a comment on the post and quoted it in an epic clap back to the authoritarian mob that works to silence her voice but claims to support “feminism”:
[…]Thankfully Rowling actually has a backbone, unlike most of the celebrities who have caved to the social justice warriors and embraced the idea of mutilating your body in support of mental illness. She may be a fiction, author but when it comes to transgenderism she isn’t afraid to speak the truth.
It’s no wonder her books have done so well, Rowling really has a way with words.
Catherine Salgado helped Rowling play victim in a Nov. 22 post, lamenting how “The renowned author said she has been doxxed on Twitter for not agreeing with the left’s narrative on gender and sexuality,” though thealleged “doxxing” came only from a photo on social media from people “who allegedly deliberately photographed themselves in front of her house so as to include the address.”
When a group of quidditch players decided to change the name of the sport, Matt Philbin was on hand to be a jerk about it in a Dec. 20 post:
You’re an adult playing a game adapted from a children’s fantasy book about witches and magic. But you don’t want to be associated with the woman who invented the game in her children’s fantasy book about witches and magic because she’s not willing to indulge in your magic fantasies about human biology.
This really is the Gold Age of Stupid.
According to an article on, there are enough lonely, directionless people in the U.S. to form two Quidditch leagues. Yes, Quidditch from J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series. The one where they fly around on brooms in scenes that stretch 10 – 12 hours in the movies.
And while it’s nice that people who would otherwise be shut-ins are getting fresh air and exercise, there’s trouble in Hogwarts. US Quidditch (USQ) and Major League Quidditch (MLQ) are going to change their names, “due to trademark issues and concerns over the ‘anti-trans positions’ of the series’ author, J.K. Rowling,” according to CNN.
[…]More importantly, the move is about cancelling Rowling, “who has increasingly come under scrutiny for her anti-trans positions in recent years,” according to a statement from the leagues. Rowling’s heresy is believing the women are women and men who say they’re women aren’t. The otherwise exquisitely liberal author is concerned that the trans fad and it’s demands that the owners of wedding tackle be called women will eventually erase actual women (“people who menstruate,” as woke phrasing would have it).
So Rowling is a “renowned author” but fans who show her renown by re-enacting scenes from her books are suddenly “lonely, directionless people” because they chose to reject the author’s hate? We’re confused.