is never going to call out Donald Trump for his torrent of lies, but it will rebut and nitpick President Biden with right-wing talking points at every opportunity.
In a Jan. 4 article, Susan Jones complained that “President Joe Biden on Monday blamed a lack of competition in the meat processing industry for rising meat prices at the grocery store,” going on to lean into CNS’ Biden-is-senile narrative by claiming that “Biden stumbled as he tried to explain how “these middlemen” operate.”Fully half the article, however, is given over to a meat industry lobbying group to attack Biden:
In reaction, the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) — which bills itself as a “leading voice” for the meat and poultry processing industry — said Biden is wrong to blame private industry for price inflation:
“Prices reflect supply and demand in a healthy market,” NAMI said in a news release.
“For the third time in six months, President Joe Biden and his Administration announced the same plans to spend $1 billion to fund government intervention in the market in an attempt to increase prices livestock producers receive while blaming inflation on private industry,” said Julie Anna Potts, president and CEO of the North American Meat Institute.
Jones went on to note that note that”Biden on Monday announced a four-point plan to strengthen competition” — then added that “On that first point alone, NAMI posed the following list of questions,” of which there were eight.”
A hour later, Jones hurled another attack piece at Biden over his meat-price plan, courtesy of a longtime political operative:
President Joe Biden on Monday announced a plan to lower the cost of meat by going after the nation’s four largest meat processors, whom he accused of “exploiting” farmers, ranchers, and consumers.
But, as former House Speaker Newt Gingrich observed: “If you have a president who can’t solve the problem of enough supply for monoclonal antibodies, can’t solve the amount of supply for testing, can’t fix anything involving the pandemic,” how can we expect Biden to lower the cost of beef?
“They have more ships sitting outside Long Beach harbor, about 121 now, than they had three weeks ago. So the supply chain stays broken,” Gingrich told Fox News’s Sean Hannity on Monday:
Of course, writing articles attacking Biden is what Jones gets paid to do.