wasn’t terribly happy about having to report on the anniversary of the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, so about midway through the day, it apparently decided it was mostly bored with that eminently newsworthy story and decided to push one that has been an recurring obsession for CNS: employees of the FBI, Department of Justice and other similar agencies who were investigated for alleged misconduct. An anonymous CNS reporter did the deed:
The Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Justice issued an investigative summary on Dec. 14 in which it said that four FBI officials “solicited, procured, and accepted commercial sex overseas” and that “a fifth FBI official solicited commercial sex overseas.”
Additionally, the investigative summary reported that “a sixth FBI official committed misconduct by failing to report suspected violations of the 2015 Attorney General Memorandum titled ‘Prohibition on the Solicitation of Prostitution’ by other FBI officials.”
The investigative summary did not name the FBI officials involved or specify the foreign country where they engaged in this behavior.
The summary did say the while the inspector general was investigating this behavior by FBI officials all of the officials involved left the bureau—through retirement, resignation and removal.
While certainly an at least somewhat interesting read, it was not a timely one — the DOJ investigative summary was issued a full three weeks before the article was published. There certainly wasn’t any news hook demanding that the article be published in Jan. 6.
This article simply comes off as a feeble attempt to distract from the news of the day because that news made Republicans look bad.