The uber-Catholics who run love to call on right-wing Catholic bishops to parrot anti-abortion attacks and other right-wing, anti-Biden narratives. Let’s see how that campaign has been going recently.
Managing editor Michael W. Chapman invoked a bishop to complain about Biden in a Nov. 12 article:
By saying he rejects the fact that life begins at conception, President Joe Biden — who is portrayed as a devout Catholic by the liberal media — is not just dissenting from church teaching, but is “explicitly dissenting” from “sound science,” said Salvatore Cordileone, head of the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
“[I]t’s not a matter of religious belief when life begins,” said the archbishop in an interview with America magazine. “Science tells us life begins at conception. The church affirms that. So he [Joe Biden] is explicitly dissenting not only from church teaching but from sound science.”
Another article the same day by Chapman again hyped Cordelione — whom Chapman and CNS love to quote for his dedication to bashing Nancy Pelosi — this time likening abortion to lynching because both involve “the killing of innocent human beings.” Both articles come from the same interview in America magazine; there seems to be no journalistic reason for Chapman not to have combined them into a single article.
Chapman found a ranting bishop for a Dec. 20 article:
By signing into law a bill that repeals the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act, Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker has granted a “victory to evil” and, like a “hit man,” has “promoted and facilitated murder,” said Catholic Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki, head of the Diocese of Springfirled in Illinois.
“Governor Pritzker’s signing of HB 370 [on Dec. 17], the deceptively titled Illinois Youth Health and Safety Act, which repeals the Parental Notice of Abortion Act, marks a dark and disgraceful moment in the history of the State of Illinois,” said Bishop Paprocki in a statement.
“Those legislators who promoted and voted in support of this legislation, and the governor who signed this unjust law, have granted a five-part victory to evil in our state,” said the bishop.
Chapman returned on Jan. 17 for another bishop bashing another governor for signing a bill protecting abortion rights:
After New Jersey’s Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy, a Catholic, signed a bill into law last Thursday that essentially allows abortion across the board, Catholic Bishop Joseph Strickland said Murphys is “not a good Catholic,” and had “bowed to the culture of death.”
The Catholic bishops of New Jersey also issued a statement condemning New Jersey’s Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, “which codifies into state law an individual’s right to an abortion, including late-term abortions.”
“This new legislation absolutely and forthrightly extinguishes the human and moral identity of the unborn child,” added the bishops.
Chapman waited until the seventh paragraph to note that Strickland is is actually the bishop of the diocese of Tyler, Texas — more than 1,500 miles away from New Jersey, making his opinion jurisdictionally irrelevant.
Chapman kept up his agenda in a Feb. 2 article:
In response to Rep. Susie Lee’s (D-Nev.) recent commentary in defense of abortion, the Catholic bishop of Las Vegas, George Leo Thomas, has called on all pro-abortion Catholic politicians in the Diocese of Las Vegas to voluntarily stop receiving Holy Communion.
“If a politician from the Diocese of Las Vegas finds himself or herself at odds with the church’s teaching on the sacredness of human life, I ask him or her voluntarily to refrain from the reception of Holy Communion while holding public office.”
Chapman went on to quote retired Pope Benedict — a favorite of right-wing Catholics — advocating excommunication as permissible of Catholic politicians who aren’t sufficiently anti-abortion.