When last we left off, the Media Research Center played flood-the-zone over Whoopi Goldberg’s misguided comments about the Holocaust and achieved its objective: she was suspended from “The View” for two weeks. Somehow, this was not the end of the MRC hammering away on this story.
The day after Goldberg’s suspension, Mark Finkelstein lashed out at MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough calling the suspension too harsh: “Anyone recall Morning Joe complaining about a conservative being canceled?” Nicholas Fondacaro returned to complain about “Whoopi Goldberg’s (stage name) anti-Semitic remarks about the Holocaust” anew, this time griping that despised MSNBC host Joy Reid thought that the incident should have been turned into a “teachable moment” instead of a suspension (which Fondacaro sneered was “a vacation”):
She made it clear in the second tease that keeping Whoopi on TV was the goal. “Coming up, ABC suspends Whoopi Goldberg for her recent remarks on race and the Holocaust. Did the network miss out on a prime opportunity for discussion and learning,” she wondered.
In reality, Reid wouldn’t extend such grace if Whoopi was a conservative or espoused right-wing politics.
Fondacaro again complained that Goldberg “had been absolved of all wrong doing by Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt.” Also, of course, Fondacaro would not be spewing so much hate if Whoopi was a conservative or espoused right-wing politics.
Fondacaro then appeared on Tim Graham’s Feb. 2 podcast — the second podcast he devoted to the issue. Graham gushed how Fondacaro “broke the story” of Goldberg’s remarks despite the fact that “The View” has an audience of millions. Both Graham and Fondacaro lamented that token conservative Meghan McCain was no longer on the show. After Fondacaro again falsely called her remarks “anti-Semitic,” Graham surprisingly pushed back: “I would say it wasn’t anti-Semitic; it was very insensitive.” They did both complain that Goldberg, in Fondacaro’s words, “got atonement from the ADL.”
Alex Christy got testy when George Soros got thrown into the conversation:
On Thursday’s New Day, CNN’s John Avlon rushed to defend liberal View host Whoopi Goldberg from charges of anti-Semitism after her offensive comments about the Holocaust. As part of one of his “reality checks,” Avlon instead tried to deflect the controversy by claiming critics of left-wing billionaire George Soros using his immense wealth to push a radical political agenda were the real villains.
[…]Criticizing mega donors is cool when the left does it, but when Fox does it, it suddenly becomes anti-Semitic. And of course, Avlon won’t criticize his CNN colleagues for their Nazi comparisons and conveniently forgot to mention various progressive lawmakers engaging in the same anti-Semitic themes.
Christy didn’t mention that the MRC has used anti-Semitic imagery to portray Soros as a “puppet master” and at one point declared him a Jew you’re allowed to hate.
Alexander Hall renewed the MRC’s attack on the ADL, accusing it of having “altered its definition of racism following The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg’s outrageous Holocaust remarks,” adding: “In short, it appears that ADL has altered its own definition of racism multiple times to respond to modern events. When an influential organization like ADL updates a definition, it may signal a sea change for liberal organizations to follow its guidance.” Hall also played the Soros card on Greenblatt, rehashing a claim from the right-wing New York Post that he once “directed an initiative at the Aspen Institute, a George Soros-financed, left-leaning nonprofit.”
The MRC also published a Feb. 3 column by right-winger Ben Shapiro attacking Goldberg, followed by a post by Elise Ehrhard touting right-wing actress Gina Carano — whom the MRC turned into a victim last year when she was fired from “The Mandalorian” for spouting dubious right-wing views — opining on the case. (She’s an employee of Shapiro’s.)
For those counting at home, that’s 14 Whoopi-centric post over four days. That’s the definition of flooding the zone.
When Goldberg returned to “The View” following her suspension, Fondacaro served up a rehash-driven, glory-hounding, poorly edited Feb. 14 post to mark the occasion:
Whoopi Goldberg (stage name) was back on The Views [sic] Monday, a day earlier than her two-week suspension suggested. She was suspended after making anti-Semitic comments claiming the “ Holocaust isn’t about race” but rather just “white people doing it to white people” (which NewsBusters was the first to report). But according to her boastful returning message to viewers, they were going to continue to have the “tough conversations.”
“Well, hello, hello, hello, and welcome to The View. And yes, I am back,” she boasted at the top of the show. Her return came a day early, having been suspended on a Tuesday but returning on a Monday.
[…]“And I hope it keeps all the important conversations happening because we’re going to keep having tough conversations,” she declared. “And in part, because this is what we’ve been hired to do.”
The idea that The View has tough conversations is laughable. They all occupy the same liberal bubble and are openly hostile to anyone who doesn’t share it. That truth is evident by the fact that the show is struggling to find a real conservative woman to replace former co-host Meghan McCain.
If Fondacaro is so concerned about ideological balance, why doesn’t he walk down the hall and demand that the MRC’s “news” operation, CNSNews.com, add a liberal columnist?