It’s no surprise that the notoriously homophobic would give space to notoriously homophobic right-wing activist Matt Walsh — whose stunt of pretending to move to Virginia so he could spew his hate at a school board CNS’ parent, the Media Research Center, absolutely loved — and Craig Bannister did just that in a Jan. 24 article:
“I think you are narcissists and bullies,” conservative commentator Matt Walsh responded after two married non-binary LGBTQ activists claimed they were driven to nightmares and depression because Walsh challenged their ideology on the “Dr. Phil” show last week.
“It sounds like your conscience is trying to tell you something,” Walsh tells activists Addison and Ethan in a social media video:
“I think you represent something that is, not only anti-scientific and irrational, but evil. And, I think you have evil intentions. I think that you are bad people. And, I think you are neither correct nor well-meaning.
“And, if one person in the whole world – in your whole life – saying this to you causes you to spiral into depression and be plagued by nightmares, then maybe that should clue you in. It sounds like your conscious is trying to tell you something.”
What’s more, Addison and Ethan don’t care who gets hurt, “as long as your ideology wins the day,” Walsh says, condemning liberals’ harmful open bathroom and transgender sports demands:
As could be expected from CNS, Bannister made no effort whatsover to give Addison and Ethan a change to respond to Walsh’s hate. Nor did he admit that Walsh has made it more than clear that he cares only about hurting people who aren’t as right-wing and heterosexual as he is.
Meanwhile, CNS remained utterly silent about Walsh getting busted for a deceitful stunt in which he pretended to be making a pro-transgender documentary that was secretly going to be turned into an anti-transgender film without the participants’ knowledge.
As the Daily Beast reported, a prominent trans activist was contacted by a production assistant to appear in the film. After a little digging, it turned out that the assistant worked on Walsh’s podcast, and that the purported organization that claimed to be making the film was another Walsh associate. After the activist exposed the hoax, the assistant deleted her Twitter account, the associate took his private, and the purported organization’s Twitter account was suspended.
You’d think such a deceptive scheme being exposed would be news — and it is at most news organizations. But because CNS hates LGBT people as much as Walsh does, Walsh’s dishonesty must be suppressed.