The Media Research Center is continuing to serve as an apologist and cheerleader for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Curtis Houck huffed in a Feb. 2 post:
Tuesday night on CBS’s The Late Show, far-left host Stephen Colbert engaged in the latest smear against Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), falsely claiming he was “silent” on alleged neo-Nazi gatherings and deceptively edited a clip to claim he only commented so far as to attack Democrats for using it against him. In reality, DeSantis slammed the white supremacists as “jackasses.”
[…]Citing the “Nazi rallies in Orlando,” Colbert noted that it was a “terrible” thing before launching into his DeSantis smear:
[T]he easiest thing in the world to condemn, unless you’re Ron DeSantis, who “remain[ed] silent.” It’s been said the only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to say nothing. It’s also bad when Ron DeSantis says nothing.Colbert added the Governor was “cornered by…reporters wanting to know things like, ‘Hey, gov: So Nazis? Where do you come down on that whole deal?’”
Instead of showing a fuller clip of DeSantis condemning what happened during a Monday Q&A, Colbert played a fragment of his comments and said the only thing DeSantis did was spot “the true enemy: Democrats.” Then, he played this from DeSantis calling out the left’s attempts to tie him to Nazis:
What I’m going to say is these people, these Democrats who are trying to use this as some type of political issue to try to smear me as if I had something to do with it — we’re not playing their game.
Put simply, Colbert proved DeSantis’s point.
What the governor actually said was that, in addition to condemning what took place, he promised “state law enforcement is going to hold them accountable…and they should,” and insisted Jews have “tremendous support” in the Sunshine State.
Houck omitting important facts about DeSantis’ statement. First, it took two days for him to issue a response, and it happened at a Q&A with reporters that was originally about another issue — so the claim that DeSantis had been silent on the issue is not without merit. Second, DeSantis’ press secretary, Christina Pushaw, issued a tweet (since deleted) suggesting the Nazis were actually Democrats in disguise, and she continued to make that baseless suggestion on her Twitter account and in other statements.
It remains ironic that the MRC — which gets mad when right-wing Babylon Bee’s satire gets fact-checked because other right-wingers present it as fact — works so hard to fact-check jokes it doesn’t like.
Kevin Tober similarly claimed to DeSantis’ defense, this time from Rachel Maddow, in a Feb. 3 post. Like Houck, Tober omitted the fact that it took DeSantis two days to respond and censored the fact that Pushaw’s posts pushed the unproven idea that the Nazis were disguised Democrats.
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