remains quite obsessed with depicting President Biden as senile by cherry-picking words out of context and then putting those cherry-picked words in the headline.
Susan Jones sneered in a Jan. 31 article that “Even with a teleprompter to read from, President Biden sometimes can’t get it right,” whining that Biden thought that a 50-uyear-old collapsed bridge in Pittsburgh was actually 150 years old. Less than an hour later, Jones wrote an article headlined “Biden Raises ‘Border Security’: ‘There’s a Whole Lot of Illegal — Um, Um, Movement, But–Ah…’” with a lot of added editorializing:
At a Monday meeting with the nation’s governors, President Biden mentioned “border security,” a topic he rarely addresses, despite record flows of illegal immigrants into this country, a situation that stems from his administration’s lax policies.
Biden today said it’s a question of figuring out “why they’re leaving in the first place.”
“Border security. We’re working a lot with neighboring countries,” Biden said at the conclusion of his opening remarks to the governors.
A lot to do, there’s a lot, I think — I think one of the fundamental things we gotta do, in addition to some of the changes we’ll make, I won’t get into today, but — is that if we figure out why they’re leaving in the first place.
It’s not like people sit around and say, in Guadalajara — ‘I’ve got a great idea, let’s sell everything we have, give it to a coyote, takes us across the border, leave us in the desert, in a country that doesn’t want us, we don’t speak the language. Won’t that be fun.’
You know, there are gangs we’re working on. There’s a whole lot of illegal — um, um, movement, but ah, there’s also a way to begin to deal with the reason they’re leaving in the first place. And I’d love to talk with you personally about that, in a little bit, if I may.
One doesn’t quote someone’s filler sounds unless one is trying to make the person being quoted sound like a senile idiot — and that’s clearly what Jones is doing here.
When Biden committed minor violations of syntax during his State of the Union address, CNS got not one but two articles out of it. Craig Bannister complained in one article:
President Joe Biden measured people in pounds – and energy in inches – during his State of the Union address Tuesday night.
Biden referred to “A pound of Ukrainian people” who “pound for pound” are “ready to fight with every inch of energy that they have,” as he discussed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine:
“Putin has unleashed violence and chaos, but while he may make gains on the battlefield, he will pay a continuing high price over the long run.
“And a pound of Ukrainian people – proud, proud people – pound for pound, ready to fight with every inch of energy that they have.
“They have known thirty years of independence and have repeatedly shown that they will not tolerate anyone who tries to take their country backwards.”
While Biden may have misspoken, even the official translation on the White House website quotes Biden’s use of “pound” and “inch” analogies.
The other article was written by an anonymous CNS writer:
President Joe Biden used a malapropism in his State of the Union Address when speaking about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
“He met with a mall,” Biden said.
Biden meant to say: He met with a wall of strength.
Why was considered a “news” article? CNS doesn’t explain. The fact that CNS has an editorial agenda to find ways to humiliate Biden in any way it can says volumes about how it has stopped being a “news” organization (if it ever really was) and has fully turned into a right-wing talking point generator.
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