WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah hasn’t written a lot about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — he’s still too busy promoting election fraud conspiracy theories to devote much time to it — but when he has, it’s generally and unsurprisingly been centered on blaming President Biden. Right after the invasion, Farah ranted in his Feb. 24 column:
We saw war break out in Ukraine yesterday.
It’s understandable, while the news is focused on it, that our eyes should be diverted there. But that may be where our enemies want us looking.
Maybe we should be instead focused on what’s coming next.What are we missing because of America’s gross incompetence?
[…]So what is Biden still missing? What’s his next misstep? What’s his next incomprehensible move?
He’s seemingly doesn’t see the fact that there is an alliance between Russia, China and Iran that could quickly develop into WORLD WAR III.
Don’t doubt for a minute that Putin invaded Ukraine without the approval of China’s leader, Xi Jinping. He may choose to take on Taiwan in the next three years while Biden and his vice president, Kamala Harris, are still in power. What about Iran? Iran understands that the Russian operation gives it a blank check to continue attacking countries in the region – possible even Israel.
[…]And now Joe Biden has made it all-too-possible to become a reality – or at least a prequel – for a world-ending nightmare scenario.
What else should we expect from hapless Joe Biden?
Anything less?
We have just less than three years left before he leaves office. Three years – it’s an ominous amount of time.
Can we sustain the world as we know it in the meantime?
We are on the brink of the most dangerous period the world has possibly ever known – thanks to Joe Biden.
It’s time to pray and repent!
Farah expanded that blame to all liberals in his column the next day for purportedly blocking discussion of China:
No one in the United States bothers to talk about the China virus anymore – especially the radical left. It’s one of the topics you can’t talk about in polite company.
Nor can we talk about the Uighurs, a people living in Chinese concentration camps and marked for extinction through forced abortions.
Why can’t we talk about it?
Because we don’t have a free press anymore thanks to Big Tech – another one of the allies of the Chinese Communists.
All Joe Biden would say about the Chinese insofar as their position on Russia and Ukraine is that they will be “stained” by it. He was careful to say nothing further because Beijing has the goods on him. He was former business partners with Russia, China and Ukraine.
Also, China may have helped Biden to pull off his BIG STEAL of the 2020 election.
Joe Biden is thoroughly compromised.
But so is GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell. He’s owned by China. So is Nancy Pelosi. So are many, many Democrats and a fair amount Republicans.
Farah whined further in his Feb. 28 column:
When Russia first assaulted the Ukraine in 2014, Barack Obama, the great humanitarian, sent Ukrainians blankets. The second time he attacked them, Joe Biden, the man who had taken bribes from Ukraine, diddled, waffled and did virtually nothing. He’s still spending weekends in Delaware. Who knows who’s in charge?
In fact, by 2015 the Obama administration had sent $120 million in security assistance to Ukraine, including weapons, armored vehicles and medical supplies.
Farah used his March 7 column to praise Ukrainian leader Volodomyr Zelensky as a proud “Hebrew warrior,” apparently oblivious to his own columnists trashing Zelensky as a failed leader for not capitulating to Russia.
In his April 5 column, Farah called on Henry Kissinger, of all people, to back up his anti-Biden take, which also leaned a bit into supporting Russia (and repeating the Obama blanket falsehood):
I’m hardly a fan of Henry Kissinger.
I’ve never thought that much of the man while I was on the right or the left.
The former secretary of state is a globalist at best. But he explained the correct path for Ukraine while both Barack Obama and Joe Biden were doing nothing about Russia’s threat until it was too late.
His words were prescient, given that he was writing this in 2014, when Russia was preparing to gobble up Crimea on the eve of its invasion and occupation.
[…]To sum up his evenhanded approach to this long simmering catastrophe, Kissinger advised that Ukraine should have the right to choose freely its economic and political associations, including with Europe.
Ukraine should not join NATO. And it should be free to create any government compatible with the expressed will of its people.
Kissinger was also cognizant that both the U.S. and Europe need to show greater appreciation for the historical and ethnic ties binding Russia and Ukraine while never ceding Ukraine’s sovereignty to Russian control.
In retrospect, the war could have been avoided – by statecraft, if the “grown-ups” didn’t ignore all the signs and dangers.
The U.S. should have done more sooner, for example, preparing the Ukrainians militarily – as Donald Trump did after Obama sent them blankets. And if Biden was the “expert” on Ukraine in the Obama administration, he should not have seen it as his personal honeypot with Hunter preying on it.
Farah hasn’t dedicated a column to the Ukraine situation since. Since silence is arguably assent, we can presume that even a Biden Derangement Syndrome sufferer like Farah has decided he approves of Biden’s overall handling of the situation.