Like its Media Research Center parent, its “news” division was under orders (from Brent Bozell? The dark-money powers that be in the conservative movement?) not to report any news that came out of the hearings from the House committee examining the Capitol riot and the events leading up to it and to attack the existence and legitimacy of the committee itself — which seems counter to CNS’ self-proclaimed mission as, you know, a “news” organization. Susan Jones was quick to dismiss findings that hadn’t even been revealed in a June 6 article before the first hearing:
On Thursday night, the Select House committee investigating the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol will hold its first prime-time televised hearing so Committee Democrats — and the committee’s two Republican members — can portray “the extent, the expanse, how broad this multi-pronged effort was” to overturn the 2020 presidential election, as Republican Rep. Liz Cheney put it on Sunday.
According to Cheney, the attack on the Capitol by an unruly mob of Trump supporters was “extremely broad, “well-organized,” and “really chilling.”
[…]Schiff refused to say what witnesses might appear before the committee on Thursday night. But he did say that the “propensity for violence” will be one of the themes explored — an interesting angle, given the failure by congressional officials to prepare for the violence they apparently anticipated.
Jones is leaning into the right-wing conspiracy theory that Nancy Pelosi somehow stopped the Capitol police from being fully prepared for the events of that day.
Jones was in full biased froth in a June 8 article, and she had one of CNS’ most quotable congressmen to help in in that froth:
The House committee investigating the events of January 6th — strategically leaking along the way — has scheduled its first public hearing in prime time tomorrow night.
Most media outlets will cover the info-tainment event live, but not Fox News.
Appearing on Fox News Tuesday night, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said it’s a sham hearing, politically motivated:
“This is the only committee hearing I’ve ever seen in Congress where there was not an opportunity to cross-examine witnesses because there is no Republican on that committee who will do it,” Jordan told “The Ingraham Angle.”
The only two Republicans on the committee are Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, both of them anti-Trumpers who fully agree with Democrats that the attack on the U.S. Capitol by an unruly mob amounted to “insurrection” and a threat to democracy.
The only person shot and killed on that day was an unarmed protester coming through a window.
[…]Assisting the committee with its “choreographed” production is former ABC News President James Goldston.
Jones is leaning into another right-wing narrative, that the “unarmed protester,” Ashli Babbitt, is a martyr to the cause despite the fact that she was part of a mob that had broken the window she was climbing to get through, thus making her a reasonable threat to safety (and, one can article, a domestic terrorist). Needless to say, Jones made no effort to fact-check any of Jordan’s rantings.
Apparently because Jordan wasn’t ranty enough, a June 9 article by Craig Bannister depicts CNS’ favorite right-wing radio host going completely unhinged:
Not since the Salem Witch Trials has the U.S. seen such a one-sided prosecution of Americans who aren’t allowed to defend themselves, Constitutional Scholar Mark Levin said Wednesday, commenting on the Democrats’ Jan. 6 Select Committee investigation and hearings into the 2021 Capitol riots.
On the eve of Thursday’s nationally-televised hearing designed to smear, vilify and criminalize former President Donald Trump and select Republicans, Levin made his case during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity”:
“Never in American history, except maybe the Salem Witch Trial, have we had a court of law, or more recently, a Congressional hearing with just one side. Just one side.
“This is a Stalinist show-trial. Google it. DuckDuck it. Bing it. Go see what I mean,” Levin said.
[…]Levin said that, when Republicans take over the House, “I hope they will investigate this committee; I hope that they will subpoena Nancy and Hoyer and all the rest” of the Democrats who actually did make threats and encourage unlawful protests intended to influence Supreme Court justices.
Like Jones, Bannister doesn’t believe in fact-checking people he agrees with, though he works for a “news” organization.
Because it was under orders not to cover news, CNS devoted no “news”article to the findings revealed at the June 9 prime-time hearing. Indeed, the next day the hearing’s findings were nowhere to be found at the top of CNS’ front page, which was furiously covering everything but the hearing, as this screenshot of the CNS front page from the early afternoon of June 10 shows:
After the hearing, CNS offered only opinions, not facts. Bannister was a servile conduit for more of that in a June 10 article:
“This is a kangaroo court; this is a fixed jury,” liberal Democrat and Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Thursday, commenting on Democrats’ nationally-televised Jan. 6 Select Committee hearing.
In an interview with Newsmax, the Constitutional scholar condemned the hearing for its unfairness, partisanship and denial of due process, as well as for its predetermined conclusion.
Neither Bannister nor Dershowitz mentioned the fact that this is a hearing, not a legal proceeding.This was followed by an article from Micky Wooten, a summer intern who has been given the grand title of “Investigative Journalism Fellow”:
Jan. 6 rioters causing the death of 5 cops is a “pure lie,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Thursday, while the Jan. 6 committee held its primetime hearing.
Carlson first blasted a Wednesday “CBS Nightly News” segment that parroted this assertion, proceeding to tackle a slew of CNN and MSNBC hosts repeating this falsehood.
“Policing is a tough job, as we’ve noted. But in these specific cases, the one CBS is referring to, the chief of Washington D.C.’s Police Department told the New York Times that actually he had no idea if his officers were driven to kill themselves by Jan. 6,” Carlson said, referring to suicides of four cops after Jan. 6. “CBS just made that up.”
For being an “Investigative Journalism Fellow,” Wooten is bad at investigative journalism. In fact, the suicide of one of those officers has been ruled a line-of-duty death stemming from the injuries he received that day.
Wooten also uncritically regurgitated Carlson’s claim that “The D.C. medical examiner performed an autopsy and the autopsy report showed that Officer Brian Sicknick had not suffered any kind of blunt force trauma. He was not beaten to death. He died of a stroke in his office later. ” In fact, the medical examiner also ruled that “all that transpired played a role in his condition,” meaning his death can be attributed to the insurrection.
Melanie Arter brought back Jordan to spread a new conspiracy theory:
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said Sunday that the reason why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) didn’t call in the National Guard on Jan. 6 is because of the Democrats’ position on defunding the police.
Jordan said that last week’s prime time Jan. 6 congressional hearing didn’t explain why the U.S Capitol was so vulnerable and why the front-line cops weren’t aware that violence was going to happen.
Arter made no effort to fact-check Jordan’s claim.
Meanwhile, Bannister sneered that “On Friday, President Joe Biden said that the Democrats’ nationally-televised Jan. 6 select committee on Thursday was ‘all about’ saving America’s democracy – but, he didn’t watch it because he had more important things to do.” Which, of course, he does because he’s the president and his subordinates who can watch those hearings and summarize them for him.
CNS then brought in right-wing college professor Jeffrey McCall to dismiss the hearing as “more as a political event than a search for truth or policy deliberation,” adding:
Roughly 20 million Americans tuned in to the televised primetime Jan. 6 committee presentation. That seems like a lot. But considering the committee was trying to convince the nation that American democracy is at risk, that number is rather modest. Given that almost all major television outlets were shamed into providing live coverage, this audience turnout is unimpressive. Either Americans are just too oblivious to recognize the threat to democracy, or they have moved on to other concerns, of which there are many in today’s America.
If the orchestrated hearing had been a boxing match, judges would have ruled it a draw. The committee landed some punches against the Capitol miscreants and former President Trump. But in the aftermath of the hearing, it appears no public groundswell is in the offing. People have had eighteen months to ponder that fateful day and most have already processed it as they see fit.
[…]If the Jan. 6 committee has to resort to putting on media extravaganzas to make its points, they are already rhetorically losing.
Because CNS censors non-conservative opinion, no alternative viewpoint to this was offered.
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