Every authentic Christian (and Torah-faithful Jew) knows that the rainbow belongs to God, not the “gays.” But how many realize that the hijacking of the rainbow by the LGBT movement is a leading sign of the imminency of the last days Antichrist kingdom? Cloaking itself in God’s rainbow represents far more than just arrogant disregard for God’s teachings in the Bible; it is living proof that Lucifer himself is the spiritual head of the triumphal “pride” celebrations taking place across the world this month.
Satan’s obsession from the beginning has been to take God’s throne for himself – and that is exactly what the “pride” movement represents. Indeed, the only glimpse the Bible gives us of what God’s throne in Heaven actually looks like is the Apostle John’s testimony in Revelation 4:3: “At once I was in the Spirit, and I saw a throne standing in heaven, with someone seated on it. The One seated there looked like jasper and carnelian, and a rainbow that gleamed like an emerald encircled the throne.”
The rainbow signifies the presence and authority of God, which is why He chose that symbol to seal His covenant with mankind after Noah’s flood.
[…]The rainbow is your warning sign. If you condone, let alone celebrate, “gay pride,” you choose the side of Lucifer against God and earn for yourself a share of the wrath to come. Moreover, even if you consider yourself righteous in believing the Bible about LGBT sins, failure to meet your Watchman duty to warn the wicked of these truths puts their blood on your hands.
From Genesis to Revelation the Bible shows that God does not mess around when it comes to this category of sin. Please remember that, and your duty to speak plain truth, whenever you see His rainbow being defiled.
— Scott Lively, June 6 WorldNetDaily column
(Lively loves melting down over rainbows.)