WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah just loves to rant about President Biden, spewing all sorts of hate at the guy. Let’s see how that has been going lately, shall we?
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are a joke – a dangerous joke for the American people.
But how do we escape them?
We cannot wait until Election Day 2022.
And even then we won’t have the full truth about Election Day 2020.
— March 17
When Joe Biden took the oath of office to become president – or, should we say, presidential pretender – I was morose.
It was not an easy rigged election to take. Come on, man! Do you really think Biden got an astonishing record 81,284,666 votes – more than Barack Obama did? I believe the last three numbers – but no way did he win legitimately. He probably got half that many. He didn’t even campaign. He never left his house.
[…]Since the earliest days of the Biden occupation, I have been dreaming, fantasizing and thinking about what might be coming next. Three days after Biden became the Impostor in Chief, it came to me. Four days to get it in print – Jan. 24, 2021, to be exact, at 5:48 p.m. It was called “Why wait for 2024?”
Trump is seemingly more popular than ever. He’s beloved by ordinary Americans. They know that Joe Biden is simply serving the ruling class he has so loyally served to undo everything Trump put into place. The true uprising Donald Trump began will not simply fade away. He not only made America great again, he gave America hope again.
Nobody but Trump is up to the challenge.
— March 28
There’s no doubt about it.
Joe Biden will face a series of impeachment attempts to his “presidency” as soon as the new 2023 session of Congress begins – the first day!
Republican representatives are literally queuing up for the fight of a lifetime. And, though no president has ever been successfully convicted of a crime in the Senate resulting in expulsion from office, Biden could break the mold. He’s a historic case.
[…]Biden may be the most unpopular president EVER. Trump says he’s at least three times worse than any other president of the United States. I say he’s a total joke – and is discrediting every other man who occupied the office. His vice president, Kamala Harris, is even more hapless as the first “black” woman to hold the office.
There’s a new expression designed for the pair by Steve Bannon. “Elections have consequences. Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.” In other words, both of them must be dispatched quickly to save the nation. The order of the impeachments must be considered carefully, meticulously, prudently and thoughtfully.
Why? Because it will result this time in a complete regime change. That’s important. It has never been done before. It must be thought through – not in haste.
— April 4
Come on, man! Who is it?
They claim it’s Joe Biden – ask anybody who works at CNN, the New York Times, MSNBC, the Washington Times, even Fox News.
But it’s becoming a sick joke.
Biden is too old, too demented, too cognitively challenged, too MEAN and hopelessly unpresidential to be in the running. And Kamala – his vice president? That would be an even bigger joke.
It wasn’t that long ago that this question was seriously asked about the president.
In fact, it was just four years ago – with President Donald J. Trump.
[…]Wayne Allyn Root, a syndicated columnist for WND and Townhall, called Biden in October “a brain-dead zombie puppet, incapable of knowing the difference between his wife and sister. I’m certain his wife, Jill, feeds him baby food in the White House basement – in a mask.”
Root has two candidates for the acting president – Barack Obama and George Soros.
— April 20
Joe Biden has said it. I think he really means it. And this, once again, proves his own illegitimacy.
Last week he slammed the MAGA movement, led by his worst enemy, Donald J. Trump, who called it simply Make American Great Again. How truly subversive!
Biden labeled MAGA, which he alternatively called MEGA, the “most extreme political organization that’s existed in recent American history.”
I would have to say that today’s Democratic Party is the “most extreme political organization that’s existed in recent American history.” We should bury it once and for all in real, untampered-with, old-fashioned elections for at least 100 years.
[…]“The message has been repeated like a drumbeat: The ends justify the means.”
It always has with the hard left. And that’s what Biden has become. Either that, or he’s lost his mind.
— May 10
Folks, we have another Israel-hater in the White House. We have another Communist in the White House. We have another God-hater in the White House.
These are incredibly confusing times, lots of lies being told, lots of misinformation and disinformation being spewed by the media and Big Tech.
Do you want to know where America is today in historical and biblical terms?
It’s where ancient Israel was before being destroyed by God.
[…]We can learn from every verse of the Bible – and need to – especially when they speak to us about our own experiences. That’s why they were written. That’s why they were recorded. That’s why God spoke them. That’s why the Bible is the bestselling book in the history of the world. That’s why these ancient words, above all others, have been preserved for us today.
Joe Biden, on the other hand, will be with us just a little while.
— May 13
You know, come to think of it, Biden is possibly mentally ill.
Think about it. We had a communist living in the White House and we never knew if he was eligible for the office.
Now we have a mentally ill president living in the White House who hasn’t found anyone who is ineligible.
What’s next?
— June 14
Before Joe Biden thoroughly ruins our lives, here’s another scandal you should know about.
I know there have been plenty of “bad judgments” that have severely affected us in the U.S., from the Afghanistan withdrawal, his insistence on canceling fossil fuel opportunities in America to fight “climate change,” the inflation nightmare, his secretive “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy of inviting a record invasion of illegals from all over the globe into our country, the supply chain crisis, the baby formula shortage, record crime, blaming Donald Trump and his supporters for an “insurrection” in the Capitol that Nancy Pelosi planned and … well, lots of additional embarrassing decisions we can’t even take the time to get into here.
Oh, let’s not forget that Biden is an illegitimate president to start. He had to know what the “2000 Mules” film proved while the rest of the media covered it up for the Democrats who actually planned to rig his election.
The FBI did dirty work on cleaning up another walking Biden scandal. No, that does not include the “investigation” of Hunter Biden, which seems never to be completed or acknowledged. This time it was his daughter, Ashley.
[…]Will this be enough for the new Republican super-majorities expected next year to impeach “creepy Joe” and replace him and Kamala Harris as president and vice president with President Donald Trump? See tomorrow’s column on just how that can actually be accomplished.
You can make it happen, America!
— June 20