Wayne Allyn Root got popular in right-wing circles for promoting birther conspiracy theories about Barack Obama — with his narrative centered on his never having seen Obama while both were students at Columbia University in the 1980s, though he never provided any reason he would have noticed an unknown Obama at the time — so it’s no surprise that he would dip a toe back into that fetid conspiracy pool again, and he did in his June 10 column, in which he rants that Obama is secretly running the country under the orders of the usual evil cabal that right-wingers love to fearmonger about:
It turns out Sen. Joe McCarthy was right; he was just early. The communist traitors are everywhere in government, political leadership, public education, universities, unions, the mainstream media, social media, Hollywood, judges, lawyers, even in the leadership ranks of the military and police. Communist traitors have infiltrated every level of government, society and industry.
And I know their plan. I learned it at Columbia University, class of 1983. My classmate was Barack Obama. I believe Obama is now the leader carrying out this plan. He is the “shadow president of the United States” – i.e., operating from the shadows while dummy dementia puppet President Joe Biden serves as decrepit front man.
And who is giving Obama the orders? The enemies of America – billionaire, meglomaniac, psychopaths George Soros, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates and the Chinese Communist Party. Schwab, by the way, is not just a globalist and communist but also allegedly the son of one of Hitler’s right-hand men. That’s right, the billionaire son of a reportedly deranged Nazi is now trying to conquer America. My guess is he’s obsessed with finishing the job of his Nazi father. And George Soros is reported to be a Jew who handed over Jews to the Nazis as a boy.
You couldn’t make this stuff up. You couldn’t sell this in a Hollywood script. Hollywood would call it “preposterous and unbelievable.” But real life is stranger than fiction.
Needless to say, Root is making this stuff up. Soros did not “hand over Jews to the Nazis as a boy” — he was a teenage Jew posing as the nephew of a man inventorying property left behind by Jews who fled Hungary in order to avoid detection by the Nazis. (Add Root to the list of right-wingers who fervently wish that the Nazis had murdered just one more Jew.) And Schwab’s father was not “one of Hitler’s right-hand men” — there’s no evidence he was ever a high-ranking Nazi official.
The fact the Root tried to throw a little doubt on his false claims by saying they were “reported” or “alleged” does not absolve him of failure to do research before writing his column because right-wing conspiracy theories are too good to fact-check.
Root went on to rant about “open borders,” and “hyperinflation,” as well as “the purposeful destruction of the energy industry, supply chain dysfunction and vaccine mandates that cost middle-class Americans their jobs and have made many Americans too sick to fight back, and soon we’re guaranteed to see massive food shortages, mass starvation, food riots and a breakdown of society. In the middle of all this, they want to take our guns away.” Then Root truly lost it:
I repeat: We’re not going to make it to 2024.
This is TREASON. Biden and his handlers are radical communist traitors. They are domestic terrorists and suicide bombers. It’s time to take the gloves off. These people want us banned, censored, silenced, bankrupt, stripped of all property, stripped of all guns, imprisoned for our political beliefs or dead. You can’t compromise with people who want you silenced or dead.
But the first step is to admit: THIS IS TREASON.
There’s no reason to admit anything based on the discredited evidence of such an obvious liar.