How has WorldNetDaily columnist Jack Cashill been obsessing over Barack Obama and his family lately? Let’s take a look. He spent a June 8 column complaining that Obama wanted to install a large propane tank at his Martha’s Vineyard property:
On an island that is as prone to storms as Martha’s Vineyard, it would not be unusual for a home to have a back-up generator, but no one apparently has a commercial-grade 2,500 gallon tank at a price tag that could range as high as $75,000.
It should be noted that propane is a byproduct of either petroleum refining or natural gas processing. This means propane is subject to the same law of supply and demand as its sources. People who heat their homes with natural gas are told to expect a 54% increase in next year’s energy costs, but then again the Obamas stopped looking at price tags long ago.
Proponents like to think of propane as “clean” – which it would be to the average sensible human being – but it is hardly clean by green standards. The fact that it produces only half the carbon dioxide of a charcoal barbecue will not help Greta “How dare you” Thunberg sleep any easier.
That segued into a promotion for an upcoming film by his favorite charlatan filmmaker:
All this being considered, what are the Obamas up to? According to Joel Gilbert’s dazzling new film, “Michelle Obama 2024,” the Obamas and their globalist friends are grooming Michelle to be elected – or perhaps appointed – president in 2024.
I recently got a sneak preview of the film, which Gilbert will premiere at the National Press Club in Washington in mid-July. Gilbert makes a convincing case that the puppeteers who orchestrated Obama’s ascent are prepared to do the same for Michelle, come hell or high water.
[…]The “hell” is the Obamas to trigger. They did so in 2020 with the George Floyd mayhem, and their language has only grown more incendiary since. Americans voted for Barack Obama in 2008 thinking he could bring the nation racial peace. The Obamas are anticipating that a mule-driven half of America will do the same for Michelle in 2024.
And if things don’t work out as planned and America descends into chaos, there are those 2,500 gallons of propane. With heat and light to spare, the Obamas could be more popular than ever.
In his June 29 column, Cashill seemed to be wishing that Obama’s mother had aborted him:
If Barack Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, had been alive today, we can be confident she would have been among the loudest voices at whatever pro-abortion protest would have her.
As Obama describes his mother in his memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” Ann was “a lonely witness for secular humanism, a soldier for New Deal, Peace Corps, position-paper liberalism.” And she was all these things before such things were cool.
Her parents were a bit more traditional. In the summer of 1960, they faced a dilemma. Their daughter was pregnant, and she had alerted them that the father was black. Today, a mixed-race couple can make a living just starring in TV commercials.
That crack seems enlightening; one wonders if racism and disdain for mixed-race couples and their offspring is part of what drives Cashill’s abject hate for Obama. Indeed, he continued to obsess over Obama’s birth:
So bound are they by the expectations of their audiences and their publishers, however, that not even the least sympathetic of Obama’s biographers dares pull on the thread that would unravel the whole sacred Obama nativity story.
What if Ann were pregnant before she arrived in Hawaii?
Once that thread is pulled, everything else makes sense. That thread would explain why the family breadwinner, Madelyn Dunham, quit her stable job in the banking business to leave for Hawaii.
That thread, once pulled, would explain the unseemly haste of Ann’s alleged hook-up with the already-married Kenyan and his willingness to assume the role of father.
That thread would explain why Stanley Dunham would remain great pals with the Kenyan Obama even after he allegedly knocked up Stanley’s underage daughter.
That thread would explain, too, why Ann dropped out of the University of Hawaii when she would allegedly have been no more than two months pregnant and then dropped off the radar altogether.
That thread would explain why not even Ann’s personal biographer can account for Ann’s whereabouts from February 1961 to the alleged birth in August of that year. It would explain too why no photos of a pregnant Ann or a newborn Barack have surfaced.
That thread would explain why Ann and the Kenyan did not spend so much as one night under the same roof and why Ann hightailed it back to Seattle with a baby allegedly only a few weeks old.
Finally, that thread once pulled, would explain why Barack Obama and the DNC would pay big bucks for the fixers at Perkins Coie – of Steele dossier and Alpha bank fame – to keep Barack’s birth certificate out of the hands of anyone who wanted to see it, starting with Democratic attorney Philip Berg.
But Cashill’s thread-pulling conveniently ignores the fact that Obama’s “long form” birth certificate said exactly the same thing the certificate released before the 2008 campaign did: that Barack Obmaa Sr. was his father. His claim that the Obama campaign paid Perkins Coie “big bucks” solely to suppress his birth certificate is a longstanding, and debunked, right-wing conspiracy theory — that money paid for all legal services.
Obama has been out of office for more than five years, and Cashill can’t stop making up things about him. The fact that he insists on clinging to fact-free birther conspiracy theories is more evidence that the poor, deluded guy needs some professional help.