Serial COVID misinformer Wayne Allyn Root spewed some more of it in his July 23 WorldNetDaily column:
Yes, you read correctly. There are (so far) 33 friends and relatives dead or sick since our wedding eight months ago. I’ve done the research. All 33 were vaxxed. Every one of them.
This is a “vaccine death and disease cluster.”
This is like the Love Canal, New York, cancer cluster of the 1970s. It can’t be ignored when you see so many people dead or very ill in just one group.
You will not be surprised to learnn that Root provides no medical documentation whatsover that any of these people — let alone all of them — died because of the COVID vaccines. He continued:
But it has nothing to do with our wedding. Open your eyes. This is happening everywhere. Non-COVID-19 deaths are up dramatically in the United States (and all over the world). Life insurance companies report non-COVID-19 deaths are up 40% or more among young, working-age Americans. Lincoln National reports death benefit payouts are up over 163% in the year since COVID-19 vaccines came out. These are death increases not seen during World War II.
Read the headlines: Every day a new celebrity, actor, rock star, athlete or CEO is dropping dead “suddenly and unexpectedly.” Most of them are way too young to die or suffer strokes or heart attacks. I’m betting they all have one thing in common: they are VACCINATED.
He went on to list a number of people who died but, again, offereed no medical documentation that the died from COVID vaccines, or even that they were vaccinated. The ranting continued:
I’ve personally compiled a detailed list of studies released by governments and medical authorities around the world that all point to three absolute conclusions:
A) The COVID-19 vaccine is a horrible failure.
B) The COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous and deadly.
C) Those who take two or more vaccines may be much more likely to get COVID-19, to be hospitalized with COVID-19, and to die from COVID-19.
But it gets much worse. The vaccinated are dropping like flies from heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and cancer and are being disabled by a multitude of illnesses and diseases.
Two of the latest credible studies show:
The COVID-19 vaccine may damage and destroy the immune system like a form of AIDS.
And, 91% of those in the U.K. who have died of COVID-19 this year are triple or quadruple vaccinated.
Have you heard about these studies in the mainstream media? Why not?
Probably because Root is misrepeanting those studies. In the first item to which Root refers, he links to a comment published in a different medical journal about a study in the medical journal The Lancet which, as Health Feedback documented, misrepresented the results of the Lancet study which simply documented that COVID vaccines wear off over time.The second, which is not a “credible study” but an article from a trashy UK website, also misrepresents data.
Root then circled back to his own story:
Now we come to my personal story. It’s been only eight months since I wed my beautiful bride, Cindy Parker Root. And in that time, people we know and love have been dying and suffering deadly non-COVID-19 illness in huge numbers.
Thirty-three of them.
Thirty-three dead, or injured, crippled or disabled in only eight months. That’s a lot of friends and relatives. That’s a “death cluster” that should be investigated by scientists, MDs and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s a story that should garner media headlines. But wait, there’s more …
All 33 were vaccinated.
[…]ait, here’s the clincher. Among my friends and family who are unvaccinated, not one of them has died or been sick since my wedding eight months ago.
Do you detect a pattern here? Even Democrats have to notice a pattern, right? Even Dr. Anthony Fauci has to notice a pattern, right? Even President Joe Biden has to notice a pattern. Well, let’s not get carried away. Nursing home patients with dementia can’t be expected to understand simple patterns.
Again, Root offers no proof whatsoever to substantiate his claims. Don’t forget that Root himself was a COVID superspreader, doing a media tour while hiding the fact he had COVID, and he bragged that nobody wore masks at his wedding even though a new COVID wave was beginning.
Root concluded by ranting: “This is either the biggest health scam and cover-up in world history, or mass murder on a grand scale. Or both.” How many people got sick or even died from close proximity to Root during his COVID-infected media tour? That’s something he won’t be rushing to document.
Root followed up with a July 29 column in which he rehashed his story of people dropping dead of COVID vaccines — again providing no medical evidence to prove that was the case — then related the allegedly huge response he got from spreading the story on some right-winger’s show on Lindell TV (yes, the MyPillow guy’s got a TV channel of some kind. He went on:
At this point, I realized a couple of interesting things. First, I have one heck of a unique story about the COVID-19 vaccine that Americans want and need to hear.
Second, Mike Lindell has been mocked and slandered by the liberal media, but it turns out he is a hero to average, everyday Americans. Based on the remarkable, over-the-top response after my guest appearance, it appears that Lindell has an audience of millions of Americans on his streaming TV network. Lindell TV’s audience responds in numbers bigger than Fox News! And the mainstream media haven’t got a clue.
Third, because the mainstream media and social media have banned or censored all the government data and studies from across the globe that suggest the COVID-19 vaccine is the worst disaster in the history of health care, it’s clear the American people are clamoring to finally hear the raw truth.
So, rather than continue to sit in front of my computer for hours a day sending out my list one by one to thousands of wonderful Americans who want to hear the truth, I’ve decided to just release the entire list right now, right here, for all the world to see.
I hope you appreciate my thousands of hours of research. I don’t believe anyone else has yet compiled it, categorized it and put it in one place for the whole world to see.
I’m not an inventor, or creator, or adventurer. I haven’t ever discovered cures for disease. I know my role. I’m a conservative talk-show host. I’m Paul Revere updated for the 21st century. My job is to spread the news, loudly, from the highest mountaintops. Except I’ve updated Paul Revere’s warning from “The British are coming! The British are coming!” to:
“The vaccine is a killer! The vaccine is a killer!”
What Root ended up doing is posting a list of “literally all significant studies and government data releases from across the globe that show once and for all that the COVID-19 vaccine is the most dangerous and deadly disaster in history” on his website. We don’t have time to go through the entire list, but suffice it to say that it’s filled with anonymous Substack accounts, discredited “news” sources like LifeSite and the usual misinformer suspects like Steve Kirsch, Ryan Cole and Robert Malone. It looks like something Root slapped together after a couple hours wading through conspiracy websites than the “thousands of hours of research” he claims he did.
If you need to see all your COVID conspiracy theories in one place, this is it. Root can be thanked for that, we suppose.
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