Following the impeachment of corrupt Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Andy Schlafly aggressively defended him in his May 30 WorldNetDaily column:
The ambush impeachment and removal of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was a shocking and undemocratic assault on the will of the voters. Paxton won reelection by 800,000 votes last November, yet merely one legislative chamber was able to override those votes with a scheme hatched in secret and sprung as a last-minute surprise.
Imagine if Congress could force the removal of a president by secretly plotting an impeachment, suddenly executed a few days later without a single public hearing. The American people would not stand for what the New York Times called “unexpected – as of a week ago there was little public indication that an impeachment could be imminent.”
Who really plotted this unprecedented theft from voters remains a closely guarded secret. Donald Trump led the way by truthing his opposition: “Hopefully Republicans in the Texas House will agree that this is a very unfair process that should not be allowed to happen or proceed – I will fight you if it does.”
Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan, who was elected by pandering to Democrats, “kept this under wraps until the end, there wasn’t a lot of time for Paxton’s defenders to react,” observes Rice University political scientist Mark Jones. It was obviously improper to deprive the voters of an elected official without first informing the public and hearing from them.
As pointed out during the brief debate on the Texas House floor, there was no justification for concealing the plot to remove Paxton from office until shortly prior to the vote. Paxton has been the leader in litigating against open borders and other unlawful policies of the Biden administration, and two months ago he opened an official investigation of Pfizer over its COVID-19 vaccine.
Note how Schlafly downplays the fact that Phelan is a Republican by claiming without evidence that he was “elected by pandering to Democrats.” Instead, he tried to manufacture a conspiracy theory about those who voted for Paxton’s impeachment:
On TruthSocial, Trump exclaimed to thunderous support by tens of thousands, “MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s impeachment?”
The silent Republicans share something in common. In addition to Abbott’s shamefully going AWOL, Trump’s presidential rivals have likewise been silent, as has the senior U.S. senator from Texas, John Cornyn.
All these Republicans depend on heavy support by dark money mega-donors, who are mostly globalist billionaires seeking their own self-serving agenda that includes an open border. DeSantis, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley and wannabe Senate Majority Leader John Cornyn all depend on millions from this network to fuel their political ambitions.
Most of the 60 Texas Republicans who voted for Paxton’s removal probably feared retaliation by the dark money globalists, as there are no campaign donation limits in Texas. Gov. Abbott himself has been a frequent attendee to the Koch network donor confabs, whose members funnel money to those who back their agenda and try to punish those who get in their way.
Schlafly, however, is completely silent on exactly why Paxton is being impeached.As a more honest news organization reported, Paxton has been accused of a “yearslong pattern of corruption, including abusing his office’s powers, retaliating against whistleblowers and obstructing justice.” Given that investigations of Paxton have been going on for years, Schlafly is being more than a little dishonest by complaining that the impeachment vote was relatively quick. He also didn’t reveal the vote total of the impeachment — 121-23, which tells us that a majority of Republicans in the Texas House found Paxton’s corruption too significant to ignore.Indeed, one GOP House member said that “The evidence is substantial. It is alarming and unnerving.”
Schlafly spent the final part of his column ranting against a Convention of States some right-wingers want to see happen, claiming that Texas Republicans who endorsed the idea were under the influence of “globalist mega-donors.”
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