Michael Brown, it seems, can’t stop fearmongering about LGBTQ people and portraying his fellow haters as victims (even if he continues to peddle faux compassion on the issue). He ranted in his Sept. 1 WorldNetDaily column:
It’s true that most Americans want to be tolerant and open-minded. But there is a point where they draw the line, saying enough is enough. We’ve been seeing that happen more and more in recent days, as the radical left continues to go off the deep end and as viewpoints that were once considered fringe try to make their way into the mainstream.
The latest to join this list of those pushing back is rock icon Alice Cooper. He was dropped by a cosmetic company for daring to say that “a woman is a woman and a man is a man.”
How narrow-minded and extreme! (Carlos Santana made a similar comment before apologizing for his “insensitive” remarks.)
Be assured that common-sense statements like this are the tip of the iceberg of the pushback toward social sanity. Or do you really think that most Americans will embrace the “gender revolution,” as expressed in headlines like this: “‘Children Identifying as “Minotaurs” Are Part of Gender Revolution’ Says Feminist Professor”?
Then came more of that faux compassion, which he quickly tempered with his usual (and genuine) hate and cheered his fellow haters:
To be clear, I do not ridicule children who grow up with deep internal conflicts. God forbid. To the contrary, I advocate for us devoting our efforts to helping them find wholeness from the inside out. As for children and adults who are intersex, having biological or chromosomal abnormalities, that is an entirely different (and very difficult, sensitive) issue.
At the same time, I will not refrain from decrying the cultural madness, since that’s exactly what it is: madness.
[…]Be assured that the more the left swerves out of control, the more society will turn back in the right direction. But to get things right, it is crucial that biblically based, clear-thinking believers help lead the way.
Brown began her Sept. 8 column cheering a freakout over a isolated case of a preschool in Britain that had an inappropriate book:
I’m going to omit a few words from the opening sentence of an article posted by the U.K.’s Christian Voice in order to drill home a point. The first sentence reads, “Parents in Hull have withdrawn their … daughter from … school over inappropriate content in Relationships and Sex Education.” And what, exactly, did these parents find “inappropriate”?
The next paragraph explains, “The decision follows their discovery that the school was using a book entitled ‘Grandad’s Pride.’ The pro-gay propaganda book carries illustrations of homosexual men wearing next to nothing and women posing as men who have undergone surgical mutilation.”
It is for good reason that these parents pulled their kid out of school. Of course content like this is inappropriate for children.
Brown claimed offense that the book was initally defended:
Eventually, the school withdrew the book, apologizing to the parents, but only after defending it initially. As for the publisher, Anderson Press, Christian Voice reports that they are standing strong behind the book and its award-winning gay author, Harry Woodgate: “The publisher described critics’ concerns of ‘hidden messages’ in the book depicting a grandad wearing leathers for ‘Pride’ as ‘baseless, deeply offensive and homophobic.'”
Yes, this was one of the images in the book, that of an older man (a grandad, no less) dressed up in a bondage outfit, all for “Pride.” Concerns about the appropriateness of this for little children were “baseless, deeply offensive and homophobic.”
Once again, this is a classic case of calling evil good and good evil.
Unsurprisingly, Brown injected his transphobia here, quickly expanding his attack to any gender-affirmation procedure, citing alleged statistics (from a right-wing outlet, so there’s presumed bias there) on the number being done:
How can you not feel a righteous indignation along with a deep stab of pain after reading these words? How does one describe medical malpractice on this scale? Hundreds of minors have had their perfectly healthy, fully functioning genitals removed because they were experiencing emotional confusion? But it gets worse.
O’Neil writes, “The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study Wednesday estimating that 48,019 Americans underwent ‘gender-affirming surgeries‘ from 2016 to 2020, and 3,678 of them underwent surgery between ages 12 and 18.
“In the study, Columbia University researchers estimated that 3,215 of those minors underwent ‘breast/chest surgery’ and 405 of them underwent ‘genital surgery.’ Meanwhile, 350 underwent ‘other cosmetic procedures.'”
So, 3,215 girls – minors! – had their breasts removed, along with the 405 who underwent “genital surgery.”
This is surgical barbarism, and no amount of special pleading or intellectual sophistry can justify these procedures.
Brown went on to quote “the heralded Johns Hopkins psychiatrist Dr. Paul McHugh” in an anti-transgender rant, censoring the fact that, as we’ve noted, McHugh left Johns Hopkins years ago and that his anti-transgender views are outside the medical mainstream. Brown concluded by invoking the Bible to justify his hate:
But as this assault on our children continues apace, all of us must continue to raise our voices in protest – be it at the school level or in our vigilance as parents or in the courts of law or in the halls of Congress. It’s the least we can do for these little ones.
As Jesus said, “If anyone causes one of these little ones – those who believe in me – to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea” (Matthew 18:6).
As for the tiny percentage of children who suffer from gender dysphoria, the best science, along with common sense, tells us not to sterilize or mutilate them as minors. There is a better way.
Brown’s link on “the best science” goes to the American College of Pediatricians, a fringe-right group that is virulently anti-LGBT. That doesn’t seem like the thing to do if you’re trying to project at least the illusion of compassion.